All posts by Kelwyn Marenwolf

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

Five Deadly Terms Used by a Submissive Woman in D/s Relationships

The Original Five Terms and the WOW bonus

a red sign with white text
5 Deadly Terms Used By A Woman


When a submissive says “Fine,” she is signaling compliance with her Dominant’s decision despite underlying discontent. In a D/s dynamic, “Fine” should prompt the Dominant to delve deeper into the sub’s emotions. The Dominant should explore her true feelings gently to maintain trust and understanding in the relationship.


A submissive using “Nothing” is often hiding something that bothers her. It suggests that she is not ready to discuss her feelings yet. Recognize “Nothing” as a flag that there are unresolved feelings needing gentle coaxing. Encourage open communication without pressuring her, showing empathy and patience.

Go Ahead

“Go Ahead” from a submissive is a sarcastic dare rather than genuine permission. Treat “Go Ahead” as a clear sign to pause and reconsider your actions. Pause and reassess the situation, seeking her true input to avoid causing discomfort or dissatisfaction.


When a submissive uses “Whatever,” she is expressing frustration or resignation. “Whatever” means she’s feeling dismissed. Address her concerns sincerely and validate her feelings.

That’s Okay

This term means the submissive is not truly okay and is planning to address the issue later. Take “That’s Okay” as a cue to revisit the topic and ensure her feelings are resolved. Revisit the topic calmly to ensure her concerns are resolved and she feels heard.


A sarcastic “WOW” from a submissive indicates disbelief or disappointment. A sarcastic “WOW” is a strong signal of her disappointment. It’s time for a candid discussion. Initiate a candid discussion to clarify and address her feelings.

5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men – A Male Perspective on Connie Podesta’s Insights

5 Stupid Questions

In her enlightening and humorous lecture, Connie Podesta delves into the realm of communication between men and women, highlighting the “5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men.” As a male who has been on the receiving end of these questions, I hope to provide some valuable insights and perhaps bridge the gap of understanding. This post will explore Connie’s lecture, providing a detailed overview and some personal reflections from a male perspective.

Question 1: “What Are You Thinking?”

"A couple sitting on a couch, with the woman looking inquisitive and the man looking puzzled.
A couple sits together on a couch, with the woman looking inquisitively at the man who appears puzzled by the question.

Connie humorously points out that when women ask this question, men often find it perplexing. The truth is, sometimes men are not thinking about anything significant or profound. It’s perfectly normal to have moments of mental downtime. As Connie explains, women might expect an elaborate response, but the reality is often much simpler.

“Sometimes we’re just enjoying the quiet, not contemplating the mysteries of the universe.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel intrusive. We value our mental space and often use quiet moments to relax and decompress. It’s not that we’re hiding something or being secretive; it’s just that our minds can be blank or focused on mundane things. Understanding that men might not always be in deep thought can help reduce unnecessary frustrations and improve communication

Question 2: “Do You Love Me?”

A woman asks her partner 'Do you love me?' while looking up at him with a questioning expression. He looks thoughtful and sincere
A woman asks her partner ‘Do you love me?’ while looking up at him with a questioning expression. He looks thoughtful and sincere.

This question, according to Connie, can make men feel like they are being put on the spot. It’s not that men don’t want to express their love, but the need for constant reassurance can be daunting. As a man, it’s essential to show love through actions, but understanding that verbal affirmations are also important to many women can help maintain a balance.

“Actions speak louder than words, but words are also important in showing our love.”

From a male perspective, love is often demonstrated through actions: taking care of our partners, supporting them, and being present. However, we need to remember that women often value verbal affirmations and reassurance. Striking a balance between actions and words can strengthen the relationship. It’s not that we don’t love you; sometimes we just show it differently.

Question 3: “Do I Look Fat?”

A woman trying on an outfit and looking at herself in the mirror, while the man looks nervous.
A woman tries on an outfit and asks ‘Do I look fat?’ as she looks at herself in the mirror. Her partner looks nervous and unsure of how to respond.

Perhaps one of the most loaded questions, Connie highlights the difficulty men face when answering this. The fear of causing offense or being caught in a no-win situation is real. The best approach is honesty, coupled with sensitivity. Instead of focusing on weight, complimenting other positive aspects can help shift the focus.

“It’s a tricky question, but focusing on what we genuinely find beautiful about our partners can make a difference.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel like a trap. We want to be honest without hurting feelings. It helps to understand that this question often stems from a place of insecurity. Offering genuine compliments and focusing on our partner’s strengths and beauty can provide reassurance and boost confidence. It’s about making you feel loved and appreciated, not just answering a question.

Question 4: “Where Do You See Us in the Future?”

A couple sitting together, with the woman looking hopeful and the man looking thoughtful.
A couple discusses their future together, with the woman looking hopeful and the man looking thoughtful.

Connie addresses the pressure this question can put on men. While it’s important to have discussions about the future, understanding that men might need time to process these thoughts can be beneficial. Open and honest conversations, without the pressure of immediate answers, can help both partners feel more secure.

“Taking time to understand our own visions of the future can lead to more meaningful discussions.”

From a male perspective, thinking about the future can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if we’re still figuring out our present. It’s crucial to communicate that needing time to think doesn’t equate to a lack of commitment. Open, pressure-free conversations about future plans can help us articulate our thoughts and build a shared vision. We want to include you in the future, but we might need time to process what that looks like.

Question 5: “What Would You Do If I Died?”

A couple, with the woman looking serious and asking the question, while the man looks uncomfortable.
A woman seriously asks her partner ‘What would you do if I died?’ as he looks uncomfortable and uncertain.

This morbid question, as Connie points out, can be unsettling. It’s not that men don’t care, but contemplating such scenarios can be emotionally taxing. Rather than dwelling on hypothetical situations, focusing on the present and cherishing moments together can be more fulfilling.

“Instead of worrying about what-ifs, let’s appreciate the here and now.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel like an emotional ambush. We might not always be prepared to handle such heavy topics on the spot. Emphasizing the importance of the present moment and creating lasting memories can be a more positive approach to reinforcing the value we place on our relationships. It’s about enjoying the time we have together and not getting bogged down by hypothetical worries.


Connie Podesta’s lecture on the “5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men” is both insightful and humorous. By understanding these questions from a male perspective, women can gain deeper insights into their partners’ minds, leading to more meaningful and less stressful conversations. Open communication, coupled with empathy and understanding, is key to a healthy relationship.

For more on Connie Podesta’s perspectives, watch her full lecture here.

The Nothing Box: Understanding Men’s Need for Downtime

What is the “Nothing Box”?

The concept of the “Nothing Box” comes from a humorous explanation of how men’s and women’s brains operate differently, popularized by the speaker Mark Gungor in his Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage seminars.

Men’s Brains:

  • Boxes: Gungor explains that men’s brains are made up of separate boxes for different topics and activities (work, family, hobbies, etc.).
  • Nothing Box: One of these boxes is the “nothing box,” where men go to think about nothing, relax, and unwind. When a man is in his “nothing box,” he’s not actively thinking or processing information.

Women’s Brains:

  • Interconnected Wires: Gungor describes women’s brains as being more like a complex network of interconnected wires. Everything is connected to everything else, leading to continuous processing and thinking.

What Women Need to Learn About the Nothing Box

Understanding this concept can help improve communication and relationship dynamics. Here are some key points for women to consider:

Understanding Downtime

Acceptance: Recognize that when men seem to be doing “nothing,” they are actually unwinding and de-stressing. This downtime is essential for their mental well-being.

Non-Intrusive: It’s helpful to understand that sometimes men need space to retreat into their “nothing box” without interruptions or questions.

Communication Styles

Direct Questions: When a man is in his “nothing box,” asking direct questions or expecting detailed conversations might be met with frustration or minimal responses. Choose the right moments for meaningful conversations.

Non-Verbals: Learn to recognize non-verbal cues indicating that a man is in his “nothing box,” such as staring blankly at the TV or sitting quietly in a favourite chair.

Emotional Balance

Different Coping Mechanisms: Understand that men and women have different ways of coping with stress. While women might prefer talking through their problems, men might prefer disengaging temporarily.

Personal Space: Allowing men their personal space without feeling neglected can lead to a more harmonious relationship. Respect each other’s methods of relaxation and stress relief.

Practical Application

For Women

  • Patience: Practice patience and give your partner time to be in his “nothing box” without pressure or demands.
  • Timing: Choose the right moments to engage in meaningful conversations, recognizing when your partner is more receptive.
  • Support: Offer support by acknowledging his need for downtime and not taking it personally.

For Men

  • Communication: Communicate with your partner about your need for “nothing box” time, helping her understand its importance.
  • Balance: Ensure you balance your downtime with active engagement in the relationship to avoid feelings of neglect.
Understanding the “nothing box” can improve mutual respect and empathy in relationships, leading to better communication and a stronger emotional connection. 

Review of Story of O: A Deep Dive into D/s Dynamics

In-Depth Review of the Story of O

Review by Kelwyn Marenwolf


Story of O (French: Histoire d’O, IPA: [istwaʁ do]) is a provocative and groundbreaking erotic novel written by French author Anne Desclos under the pen name Pauline Réage. Published in 1954 by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, this novel offers a profound and controversial exploration of the D/s lifestyle, resonating deeply with those familiar with its nuances.

Main Characters

Woman in a flowing gown standing in an elegant, dimly lit room, looking out of a window
A woman in a flowing gown stands in an elegant, dimly lit room, capturing the refined and mysterious ambiance of “Story of O.”

The novel centers around O, a woman who willingly submits to her lover, René, and later to Sir Stephen. Their relationships evolve through intense scenes of dominance and submission, with O’s journey serving as a powerful depiction of the submissive’s experience. O’s character is marked by her unwavering dedication and willingness to explore the depths of her submission, while René and Sir Stephen represent different facets of dominance, each bringing their unique approach to O’s training and submission.

Sexual Dynamics

One of the most compelling aspects of Story of O is its portrayal of the sexual dynamics between O, René, and Sir Stephen. The scenes are marked by a meticulous exploration of consent, power exchange, and emotional intensity. For example, the initiation at Roissy highlights the ritualistic and consensual aspects of O’s submission, where she is trained and conditioned to serve her masters. This moment illustrates the importance of trust and the consensual nature of their relationship, despite the extreme practices involved.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects

Elegantly dressed individuals in a quiet, sophisticated gathering in an opulent room.
Elegantly dressed individuals are engaged in a quiet, sophisticated gathering, capturing the intrigue and sophistication of “Story of O.”

The psychological and emotional aspects of the D/s relationships in Story of O are explored with remarkable depth. O’s internal journey, her struggles, and her ultimate acceptance of her submissive nature are depicted with a sensitivity that underscores the complexity of her character. The novel does not shy away from the darker aspects of D/s dynamics, offering a realistic and sometimes unsettling portrayal of the psychological impact of such relationships.

Visual and Aesthetic Elements

While Story of O is a novel, its descriptive and evocative language creates vivid imagery that enhances the intimate and introspective atmosphere of the story. The detailed descriptions of settings like Roissy and the Château, combined with the meticulous portrayal of rituals and attire, immerse the reader in the world of O’s submission, making the novel a sensory experience.

Legacy and Impact

Woman sitting at a desk, writing in a journal in a cozy, dimly lit study.
A woman sits at a desk in a cozy, dimly lit study, writing in a journal, capturing the intimate and contemplative ambiance of “Story of O.”

Story of O has had a profound impact on both literature and the BDSM community. It has inspired numerous adaptations, including films, comics, and documentaries, and has sparked discussions on the nature of erotic power dynamics. The novel’s influence extends to other works in the genre, including Emmanuelle by Emmanuelle Arsan and various contemporary BDSM narratives.

Critically, the novel has faced both acclaim and criticism. Some view it as a significant literary work that explores the depths of human sexuality and power, while others criticize it for its portrayal of the objectification and exploitation of women. Regardless of the perspective, Story of O remains a pivotal text in the exploration of erotic literature.


In conclusion, Story of O is a profoundly influential novel that offers a sensitive and insightful look into the world of D/s relationships. It is a story of love, trust, and the transformative power of acceptance. For those within the BDSM community, it is a seminal work that portrays the lifestyle with the dignity and respect it deserves. For those unfamiliar with D/s dynamics, it provides a thought-provoking and enlightening glimpse into the complexities and joys of such relationships.

Story of O is not just a novel; it is a celebration of the myriad ways in which love and intimacy can manifest, reminding us that true connection often lies in the places we least expect to find it.


ERP Scenario 1: The Initiation at Roissy

Setting: A lavish and secretive mansion known as Roissy.


Blindfolded woman in a flowing gown guided by a dominant figure in an elegant, dimly lit room.
A blindfolded woman is guided by a dominant figure in an elegant, dimly lit room, capturing the refined and mysterious ambiance of the initiation at Roissy.
  • O: The submissive being initiated.
  • Master: The dominant overseeing the initiation.
  • Assistants: Additional characters to enhance the scene.

Scenario: O arrives at Roissy for her initiation into submission. The Master explains the rules and expectations, emphasizing trust and obedience. O is then blindfolded and led through a series of ritualistic tasks, each designed to test her willingness to submit. The scene focuses on the build-up of anticipation and the exploration of power dynamics.

Dialogue Suggestions:

  • Master: “Do you understand what is expected of you here?”
  • O: “Yes, Master. I am ready to serve.”
  • Master: “Good. Your obedience will be tested. Trust in the process.”


  • Blindfolding and gentle guidance through the mansion.
  • Ritualistic tasks, such as kneeling, responding to commands, and demonstrating obedience.

ERP Scenario 2: The Masked Ball

Setting: An opulent ballroom filled with elegantly dressed guests, all wearing masks.


 Elegantly dressed individuals in masks at a sophisticated gathering in an opulent room.
Elegantly dressed individuals engage in a sophisticated gathering at a masked ball, capturing the intrigue and sophistication of the scene.
  • O: The submissive participant.
  • Sir Stephen: The dominant leading O.
  • Guests: Other attendees, adding to the atmosphere and intrigue.

Scenario: At a grand masked ball, O is led by Sir Stephen through the crowd. The anonymity of the masks adds to the sense of mystery and excitement. Sir Stephen gives O subtle commands, which she must follow without hesitation. The scene emphasizes the thrill of public submission under the guise of anonymity.

Dialogue Suggestions:

  • Sir Stephen: “Remember, no one knows who you are. Obey my commands without question.”
  • O: “Yes, Sir Stephen. I will follow your lead.”


  • Subtle public displays of submission, such as following closely, kneeling briefly, or holding a specific pose.
  • Engaging with masked guests, heightening the sense of secrecy and excitement.

ERP Scenario 3: The Intimate Study

Setting: A cozy, dimly lit study filled with books and antique furniture.


Woman sitting at a desk, writing in a journal in a cozy, dimly lit study filled with books and antique furniture.
A woman sits at a desk in a cozy, dimly lit study, writing in a journal, capturing the intimate and contemplative ambiance of the scene.
  • O: The submissive reflecting on her journey.
  • Sir Stephen: The dominant guiding her introspection.

Scenario: In the privacy of an intimate study, O sits at a desk, writing in a journal. Sir Stephen observes and occasionally instructs her to reflect on specific experiences. This scene focuses on the emotional and psychological aspects of their relationship, emphasizing introspection and the deepening bond between them.

Dialogue Suggestions:

  • Sir Stephen: “Write about your first night at Roissy. How did it make you feel?”
  • O: “It was overwhelming, but I felt a deep sense of purpose.”


  • Quiet, reflective writing interspersed with verbal introspection.
  • Gentle guidance from Sir Stephen fostered a sense of trust and emotional connection.

Unmasking ’50 Shades of Grey’: A Dominant’s Perspective on Misconceptions and Misrepresentations in BDSM

“50 Shades of Grey” has certainly brought BDSM into the mainstream conversation, but from the perspective of a long-time Dominant, the portrayal is problematic and often misleading.

Charming outdoor patio at night with string lights and a table set for two.
Enjoy a serene and intimate evening on this beautifully lit outdoor patio.

First and foremost, the series sensationalizes and romanticizes an abusive relationship rather than a consensual BDSM dynamic. Christian Grey’s actions, such as stalking Anastasia Steele and manipulating her into a relationship, are not representative of a healthy Dominant-submissive relationship. True BDSM is built on mutual consent, trust, and respect, elements which are glaringly absent in many of the interactions between the protagonists.

Cozy living room with a fireplace, armchair, wine, and chocolates.
A warm and inviting living room, perfect for a quiet and romantic evening by the fire.

The lack of informed consent is another critical issue. Anastasia enters into the BDSM lifestyle without a clear understanding of what it entails. In real BDSM relationships, thorough discussions, negotiations, and the establishment of boundaries are essential. Safe words, aftercare, and the submissive’s well-being are paramount. Christian Grey’s insistence on secrecy and his manipulative tactics undermine the principles of safe, sane, and consensual (SSC) or risk-aware consensual kink (RACK), which are foundational to the BDSM community.

Cozy, dimly-lit bedroom with red silk sheets and ambient lighting.
A luxurious and inviting bedroom setting, perfect for a serene and intimate evening.

Moreover, the series perpetuates harmful stereotypes about BDSM practitioners. Christian Grey’s troubled past and psychological issues are portrayed as the root of his interest in BDSM, reinforcing the misconception that those who enjoy BDSM are damaged or deviant. In reality, people from all walks of life and backgrounds engage in BDSM for various reasons, most of which are healthy expressions of sexuality and trust.

The depiction of BDSM gear and practices is also superficial and often inaccurate. BDSM is not just about whips, chains, and blindfolds. It encompasses a wide range of activities and dynamics, many of which are deeply emotional and intimate. The series reduces BDSM to a set of physical acts without exploring the psychological and emotional depths that these relationships often entail.

Luxurious bathroom with a bubble bath and rose petals.
Indulge in a romantic and relaxing bubble bath surrounded by candles and rose petals.

Finally, the series fails to show the importance of the Dominant’s responsibility toward the submissive’s emotional and physical safety. A true Dominant cares deeply about their submissive’s limits and ensures their experiences are enjoyable and consensual. The neglect of aftercare in the series is a glaring omission that underscores a lack of understanding of genuine BDSM dynamics.

In conclusion, while “50 Shades of Grey” has sparked curiosity and conversations about BDSM, it does so at the expense of accuracy and respect for the community it portrays. For those genuinely interested in BDSM, it’s crucial to seek out resources and communities that emphasize education, consent, and mutual respect, rather than relying on a sensationalized and flawed representation.

Continue reading Unmasking ’50 Shades of Grey’: A Dominant’s Perspective on Misconceptions and Misrepresentations in BDSM

Meet & Greet – The Resort – Sunday 28 April 2024 Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT

╔═══ 🌟Meet & Greet 🌟 ════
╫ Where: The Resort
╫ Host: SweetMessmer
╫ When: Sunday 28 April 2024
╫ Time: Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
╫ Male attire: 👀 Suit and tie
╫ Female attire: 👀 Dress and heels

Meet & Greet @ The Resort

Meet & Greet - The Resort - Sunday 28 April 2024 Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
Meet & Greet – The Resort – Sunday 28 April 2024 Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
  • We are a BDSM, D/s base sim.
  • We ask that you respect the privacy of others.
  • We ask you to treat others with respect and as well behave in such a way too.
  • We welcome all here, and our rules are made up of common sense.
  • We welcome RP of all sorts with the consent of all parties involved.


You’re Invited to a Journey with the Burlesque Dolls!

*You’re Invited to a Journey with the Burlesque Dolls!*

You're Invited to a Journey with the Burlesque Dolls! - Date* April 19th *Time-* 7-30 PM SLT kopiera
You’re Invited to a Journey with the Burlesque Dolls! – Date* April 19th *Time-* 7-30 PM SLT kopiera

Join us for a night of enchantment as we embark on a voyage to the destinations of our wildest dreams. The Burlesque Dolls invite you to indulge in an evening of mystery, glamour, and adventure.

Prepare to be dazzled as we set sail into the unknown, guided by the allure of fantasy and the promise of unforgettable experiences. Our destination? A realm where imagination knows no bounds and every desire is within reach. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a curious newcomer, there’s a place for you among the Burlesque Dolls. We can’t wait to share this enchanting adventure with you.


The League of Gentlemen @ TLoG Library

The League of Gentlemen @ TLoG Library

Sunday 31 March 2024 – Noon SLT until 2 PM SL

╔═══ 🌟Grand Opening 🌟 ════
╫ Where: TLoG Library
╫ When: Sunday 31 March 2024
╫ Time: Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
╫ Male attire: 👀 Suit and tie
╫ Female attire: 👀 Dress and heels

Librarian pinups


You are quite welcome to join The League of Gentlemen!

Where well-suited gentlemen and classy women come to mingle and play in Second Life. We are not your average D/s club. We wish to maintain a high level of class, conduct, and style, with a twist of erotic enticements.

The League of Gentlemen SL


Grand Opening – The League of Gentlemen @ Scandal House

The League of Gentlemen @ Scandal House
We have a Grand Opening on Sunday 17 March from Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT. Mark the date in your calendar and pass it on far and wide.
╔═══ 🌟 Grand Opening 🌟 ════
╫ Where: Scandal House – 
╫ When: Sunday 17 March 2024
╫ Time: Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
╫ DJ: Falcon Spirit
╫ Hosts: Suga & Lux
╫ Male attire: 👀 Suit and tie – 
╫ Female attire: 👀 Dress and heels╚═════════════════

We have added the Key Party board at the Scandal House.

This will add some adult spice to our party as we will be able to use it for random matchmaking. The Board is completely menu-driven.

Max. 10 Guests will be able to drop a Key to the board. Auto-Gender detects the color of Key will show gender (Blue=Male, Red=Female). When dropping a Key by clicking the board, Participant selects a preference of which gender will be allowed to pick up the Key later on (Males only, Females only, Bi-Sexual). Preference will be shown by the color of the Key-Tag.

When Keys are dropped, the Admin can start a Pick-Session (min. 4 Keys required). Guests who haven’t dropped a Key will now be able to pick one of the Keys. If gender matches the Key Tag, the Key will be removed from the board and both Profile-Photos will be displayed and personal messages will be generated.

REMINDER: Guests will be able to either ‘DROP’ a Key or to ‘PICK’ a Key, they can’t do both.

Meet & Greet @ Sensual Adventures – Sat 9 March 2024 12-noon SLT

Meet & Greet @ Sensual Adventures

New group and location now seeking amazing couples for great times. Looking for incredibly attractive and open couples to be a part of a group to share and enjoy each other. Contact us if you want to be a part of a fun group of couples with a sim dedicated to group meetings!!!

Sat 9 March 2024 – Noon SLT until 2 PM SL

╔═══ 🌟 Meet & Greet 🌟 ═════
╫ Where: Sensual Adventures
╫ When: Saturday 9 March 2024
╫ Time: Noon SLT until 2 PM SLT
╫ DJ: Michael Meadows
╫ Hosts: Suga & Lyric
╫ Male attire: 👀 Suit and tie
╫ Female attire: 👀 Dress and heels

Sensual Adventures

The League of Gentlemen