All posts by Kelwyn Marenwolf

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

Lucy Rocks the League on Tuesdays 11am to 1pm

Lucy Rocks the League on Tuesdays from 11am to 1pm. Check the Event Calendar

Lucy, the stripping Danish DJ

Lucy (babygirl.diavolo)
Lucy (babygirl.diavolo)

I am Lucy, a DJ at the League of Gentlemen…
I am mostly playing 80’s rock, normally with a little twist, and grins I am the stripping DJ.
My amazing side Kick Poosy is my hostess with the mostest. We are a duo of sugar and spice and everything nice.

Come and see us Tuesdays at The League … We promise you a good time or work hard for it.

PoosyKat is Lucy’s sidekick Host.

PoosyKat LittleBoots
PoosyKat LittleBoots

I am PoosyKat (Poo or Boots to my friends). Host at The League of Gentlemen … love most genres of music.

Love working alongside my lovely ( Crazy) Lucy who is always up to some kind of shenanigans, we are like yin and yang, chalk and cheese but always on the same page.
we make a great team always making each other laugh

We would love to see you each Tuesday at 11 am SL time ( 8PM Euro time). We are always happy to meet both new and old guests alike.

Meet & Greet @ Haley’s Manor – Sunday 23rd of April

╔═️══️══ Meet & Greet ️════
Sunday, 23 April 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm SLT
╠ Explore Haley’s Red Room
╠ Mingle with new and old friends
╠ Tour the rooms, and see what the estate offer
╠ Attire: Gentlemen: Formal Ladies: Glamour
╠ Bring a friend or come on your own!
Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Telehub & Red Room Reception. Home of Aurelia and Haley Heartsong and the Harcourt Family. Visitors are welcome, but please respect our privacy.

Welcome to Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor Landmarks

Start in the reception and telehub.
•  Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Telehub & Red Room Reception

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Telehub & Red Room Reception. Home of Aurelia and Haley Heartsong and the Harcourt Family. Visitors are welcome, but please respect our privacy. After that, you are welcome to explore other areas that Haley has built:

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Pavilion

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Central Warerfall

Heartsong Manor & Haley's Harbor - Fallingwater Guest House_001
Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Fallingwater Guest House_001

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Fallingwater Guest House

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Fishing Village & Rez Dock

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Harborfront

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Heartsong Manor Main House

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Mania 69 Club

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Bunker & Security Office

Heartsong Manor & Haley's Harbor - The Lighthouse
Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Lighthouse

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Lighthouse

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Red Room

Heartsong Manor & Haley's Harbor - The Teahouse_001
Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Teahouse_001

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – The Teahouse

Heartsong Manor & Haley's Harbor - Yacht Dock_001
Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Yacht Dock_001

Heartsong Manor & Haley’s Harbor – Yacht Dock


Event Calendar for The League of Gentlemen

The League of Gentlemen in Second Life
The League of Gentlemen in Second Life

At The League of Gentlemen, members can expect a range of activities and events that cater to a diverse range of interests.

We also host regular parties, dances, and other social events, providing opportunities for members to get to know each other and build meaningful connections.


SL’s timezone is called SLT (Second Life Time or Standard Linden Time). It is equivalent to PST/PDT (Pacific Standard Time)/Pacific Daylight Time), the real-world timezone of Linden Lab. The rest of the world tend to use GMT, Greenwich Mean Time

Because it needed to be said ... and Gentlemen too
Because it needed to be said … and Gentlemen too

Second Life is an extension of Real Life, not a replacement

“I keep RL & SL separate!” – Each time I see that line, I have to fight the urge to poke the person and ask – “Separate? Really? Do you swap brains at the login screen?”.

Kelwyn Marenwolf - The League of Gentlemen
Kelwyn Marenwolf – The League of Gentlemen

I visit SL when I am in a good mood, and have time to waste, thus you’ll likely meet the improved version of me, myself, and I. SL is a small world where we can choose the people, places, and events we want to see.

In RL I do what I need to do before what I want to do, just as any grown-up will. In SL I have the rare luxury of only doing what I want to do.

RP in SL is too meta for me, adding a layer of insulation I have no need for. What RP I do happens with dice in hand around a table with good friends that I can pelt with popcorn.

Since I’m male, you should watch this before you ask me a question: Five Stupid Questions Women ask Men  Connie Podesta

Stephen Fry about Second Life
Stephen Fry about Second Life

Gentlemen & Ladies – Behaviour & Attire

Gentlemen & Ladies – Behaviour & Attire

Assumption is the Mother of All Fuck-Ups

Some Gentlemen and Ladies are monogamous, others are polygamous or swingers. Ensure that the person you are talking to shares your kinks, habits, or interests. Polite exchanges will make sure that you have the same mindset, and how you want to proceed. All deep and meaningful friendships start with a simple polite conversation.

Be respectful

A gentleman is respectful to everyone around them – not just women with whom they’re on a date. Be polite to everyone you meet, particularly if they are rude assholes. Be the better person. Don’t send unsolicited friend requests before you actually know the person

A boy makes his girl jealous of other women.
A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl

Dress Impeccably

Dress Impeccably
Dress Impeccably

Whether you choose Oxford’s or Brogues, a three-button suit or two-button, it’s all down to personal preference, but always make sure to dress dapper. Find ways to show your individuality, such as unique socks, pocket square or tie, but make sure everything is colour-coded.

No baby girls with daddy issues with a binky in their mouth nor beach bums with flip-flops

Be honest

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to dating and relationships. No one does enjoy ‘playing games’. If you like someone, you like someone and a proper gent won’t be afraid to let that person know how they feel about them.

Hold doors open for people

This one is traditional, yes but holding doors open for people never gets old! It’s the perfect way to show consideration for others, whether it’s men, women, the elderly or children. Introduce your good friends to others, and your old friends to each other. Shared pleasure is twice pleasure.

Keep the language clean

Of course, you’re not expected to keep the language clean at all times, but do be mindful of your tongue and who you’re around. Dropping the f-bomb every other word just isn’t cool and most definitely doesn’t make you look charming whatsoever. Just try to tone it down if you’ve got a bit of a potty mouth.

Always Be On Time

A gentleman does not arrive late. While it might be tempting to be fashionably late at times, or you may get distracted by other factors in your life, time management is a critical part of being a gentleman. Don’t leave others waiting around for you, it doesn’t leave a good impression.

Never Show Off Your Wealth

Whether you’re loaded to the brim or scraping by, it’s just not proper to talk about your finances to others arrogantly. Showing off wealth is unbecoming, it makes others feel small and it’s simply not dignified. You know how much you have in your bank account, that’s all that matters.

Comportment & Dress Codes


All those who are at the club shall comport themselves in a respectful and tasteful manner.  Courtesy and civility are expected from all, regardless of your title or membership status.  The club’s rules and regulations do not supersede those that Dominants have imposed for their own submissives.  Club members are encouraged to nurture the spirit of the club by readily following club guidelines.


Dominants who are partnered or who own their submissive(s) shall at all times maintain their rights and responsibilities over their submissive(s).  Those rights and responsibilities shall be respected by all other Dominants, submissives, guests, and the club.

Dominants who are partnered or who own their submissive(s) are encouraged to offer the services of their submissive(s) to other Dominants and Guests as an extension of goodwill and ambassadorship of the club. These services include hosting duties such as fetching drinks, lighting cigars, offering massages, and fellatio.

Dominants who wish to make use of a submissive not their own shall negotiate terms with the submissive’s Dominant.  The submissive’s Dominant has the right to refuse use, or otherwise limit the scope of use of their submissive.  The owner Dominant shall supply an agreement of service to the Dominant wishing to make use of her.  This notecard shall provide guidance on what services the submissive will and will not provide, and is meant to absolve the submissive of any punishment or discipline which may otherwise be incurred during her service.

Dominants reserve the right to discipline or punish a submissive while she is in service to him, whether he owns her or not, if she defies him in any way.

Dominants, remember that submissives are not communal property, don’t issue orders to people you haven’t negotiated with.


Guests are expected to follow the recommendations of comportment issued by the club.  Any officer of the club has the right to respectfully and privately advise any guest of comportment violations, and to request that such violations stop. Should such violations continue, the officer will defer the matter to club ownership.  Club ownership reserves the right to boot and ban anyone disrupting the civility of the club.

Dress Code

There may be times when there will be exceptions to the rules and recommendations concerning Dress and Comportment.  Such times may be for special events and themed days.  Members are welcome to adhere to either the general dress code or participate in the exceptions to it as indicated.  Submissives are at all times to defer to their Dominant.  In the absence of belonging to a Dominant, submissives are to adhere to the dress code of the club.


Dominants should dress according to their station.  Business and business casual will be the general minimum expectation.  This would include suits (with or without a vest, with or without a tie), dress shirts, dress trousers, and dress shoes.


Owned submissives shall defer to their Dominant in terms of dress code.  Unowned submissives shall defer to the rules and regulations of the club concerning the dress code.

  • Permissible:  Submissives are permitted to be attired in lingerie.
  • Preferable:  Submissives are encouraged to forego panties.


Guests are encouraged to follow the dress code of the club.

Darling, a true lady takes off her dignity with her clothes

“Darling, a true lady takes off her dignity with her clothes and does her whorish best. At other times you can be as modest and dignified as your persona requires.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, The Notebooks of Lazarus Long

The League of Gentlemen in SL

  •  A Lady is thoughtful of others, polite, kind, and charitable.
  • A Lady exudes hopefulness and gentle strength during adversity; she strives to encourage and edify those around her.
  •  A Lady is the opposite of selfishness, and she holds herself to a high moral code. 
  • A Lady is discreet, compassionate, and lovely. 
  • A Lady always looks neat and feminine.
  • A Lady is gracious in her dealings with others even in trying situations.
  • A Lady does not curse like a sailor — or curse at all for that matter.
  • A Lady seeks to put others at ease and to establish the comfort of others before herself. 
  • A Lady holds true to her vows, cherishes her man, and strives to make sure that he knows he is cherished. 
  • A Lady knows that life is about putting out positive energy and sowing goodness into the lives of everyone she meets. 
  • A Lady knows that worldly experience adds depth and helps a courtesan understand compassion. 
  • A Lady learns from experience and treats her mistakes as valuable lessons.
  • A Lady is a servant with the heart of a queen and the steel of a soldier.
  • A Lady knows the importance of taking care of herself so that she can take care of others.

Dominants and submissives – Behaviour & Attire

Assumption is the Mother of All F*** Ups

The behaviour of Dominants

  • Don’t be a jerk.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be honest.

The attire of Dominants

Whether you choose Oxford’s or Brogues, a three-button suit or two-button, it’s all down to personal preference, but always make sure to dress dapper. 

The behaviour of submissives

  1. submissives must always 
    1. show respect and deference to the Dominants. Unless told differently, use “Sir” for male Dominants and “Ma’am” for female Dominants. Don’t worry, they’ll tell you if they want to be called something specific.
    2. Obey your own Dominant’s commands and be courteous to all Dominant’s requests.
    3. Maintain a respectful and submissive attitude at all times.

The attire of submissives 

  1. The dress protocol is established by a Dominant as the way the submissive is to present themselves for any specific situation.

 Kewlyn & Lupa

Kewlyn & Lupa