Category Archives: Asa Libertine

The Ball

– The Ball (part one)

It is now 15h00, tonight, Sir is taking me to his company’s annual Ball. I have to get ready, no time to waste! I take off my silky white robe and slip into the shower. Cold water drips on my warm flesh, I whimper, my nipples harden, but none of that matters, all I can think about is Sir and how I am dying to be Sir’s arm candy tonight… “What will Sir introduce me as in his world?”… “Will Sir approve of what I am wearing tonight?”… “I can’t wait to see him in his element!

Commanding everyone’s respect just by being himself”… “I want to hold his hand, feel his pulse right next to mine”. So many thoughts were interrupted by a doorbell ring! I wrap the towel around my body and go to open the door. It is a delivery! 3 boxes from Sir!

My heart is about to jump out of my chest! I wonder what he got me! There are 3 boxes: 1 big and 2 medium sizes. I open up the big one and it is a beautiful white dress with gorgeous lacework in the chest area and plain white fabric for the skirt part… there are 2 long slits on each side of the dress starting at the hip! It is gorgeous! Sir don’t let me wear undies, I hope I don’t expose myself by mistake tonight!

I opened one of the 2nd boxes and it was a jewelry box with a pink diamond ring (my favorite color ^_^) in it! I take out the ring to wear it and I notice the words “Sir’s baby girl” engraved into the inside of the ring. All I can think of is “How did I get so lucky to have found him?!”

I almost forgot that there’s a third box! I open it and it’s a small remote-controlled vibrator with a note that says “Lay on your bed, spread your legs for Sir, and insert this vibrator into your pussy”…….” And remember, no touching”, “I will pick you up in 1 hour”.

The Ball
The Ball

I get dressed, get my hair and makeup done, and I hear the intercom buzz! It’s Sir’s driver, Sir’s here! I lock my apartment and head down to the car, I see Sir standing in front of the limo in his black tux, straightening his cuffs, looking as I walk towards him, studying me inch by inch, he tilts his head slightly and smiles.

I walk towards Sir while smiling timidly (but on the inside all I can think about is how I want to kiss his lips and ask him to take me right then and there!). He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, I can smell his perfume, it’s a very nice perfume, but I can smell his natural scent, none like it… It is my favorite smell in the world. I breathe him in, close my eyes, and smile.

– The Ball (part two)

Sir opens the door and shows me the way in. I sit down, Sir sits next to me, turns to me, and asks – as he slides his left hand up my thighs and between my legs – “Have been behaving, little girl?” and promptly I answer “Yes Sir, of course”.

He runs his fingers gently over my lips and then rubs my clit with his two fingers and says “Good girl” and then he asks the driver to take us to the venue.

15 mins later, we’re there! The driver opens the door, Sir gets out and extends his hand to help me get out of the car. I hold his hand, step out of the car, and onto a red carpet with some photographers asking us to pose for a picture. That’s when Sir grabbed my right hand and led me in front of the event backdrop. I am standing there smiling like the Mona Lisa like I have this big secret nobody knows about, I feel his pulse against mine, his is calm and steady, and mine is rushing and thumping.

As we walk to the venue and step into the ballroom, we are met by Sir’s friend and colleague. He greets us and asks “And who is this lovely lady?” and that is when Sir says “This is MY lady, Sandy”, I freeze, smile fighting the happy tears that are about to expose me, and I say “Nice to meet you”. The song Heaven by Julia Michaels starts playing, Sir says “Excuse us” and leads me to the dance floor.

Sir holds me close with my right hand on his chest, and his left hand over mine, I look up into his eyes and he’s looking at me with all the love in the world, knowing how dedicated and loyal I am to him, how I would do anything to please him. His right hand slides down my backless dress and caresses my body in a way as to say, I care for you.

The song ends, and we go to sit at our tables, Sir leans over and says “The dress looks great on you baby girl”, my heart is filled with joy for pleasing Sir. Sir places his right on my left thigh, grabs it, leans over, and whispers in my ear “This is your reward for being such a good girl” and that’s when I felt the vibrator turn on inside me.

Harsh Lesson

Elaine trailed listlessly around the castle, cleaning an already immaculate bedroom, bath, den, and main salon. Placing clean, freshly laundered sheets on the bed, she studiously avoided thinking about what had taken place there a few nights ago. Nonetheless, as she bent to adjust the silk duvet that covered the foot of the bed, she couldn’t suppress a wince as she twisted and stretched forward to smooth the last of the wrinkles. Her body still bore some of the soreness, as well as the marks, from that evening. Apart from that, her mind was still adjusting to this new reality.
There were some fading bruises where her wrists had been cuffed behind her back, her ankles bound, leaving her thighs spread obscenely wide, allowing full access and use, to both men.  If she turned her head in an unwary move, the slight soreness of her jaw announced her mouth had not fully recovered either. Turning to leave the room and take the stairs to the dungeon that was adjacent to Ben’s office, she again tried to shut out the images of her body, helpless and bound, between them. At first, she had been leashed and on her knees in supplication.
 Heat washed over her, flushing her face a bright red, as she relived the embarrassment she had experienced of being put through her paces when Ben had introduced her to their guest, Byron. It seemed he was Ben’s close friend, and had become privy to the details of her relationship and arrangement with Ben, not that as his girlfriend or even wife, but that of his companion, sex toy, and house slave.  Byron apparently had expressed disbelief that Ben would enter into such an arrangement, so of course, he was invited to the castle ruin to observe the dynamic in play for himself.
When introducing them, Ben had been playful and teasing, reminding her of how she was to greet him, had she forgotten? Shaking her head, confused and leery of this new element, sensing this man Byron was not of the same ilk as Ben, she had tried to demure and escape such an introduction. It soon became clear, Ben was not going to be dissuaded.  Perhaps he meant to prove something to both himself and Elaine, or maybe it was that Byron was simply a very bad influence on her mostly amiable, and loving owner. One of those people that was able to bring out the worst elements in all parties involved. She probably would never really understand all the motivations for the evening and its events, but she would be living with the consequences for quite some time as her body recovered, and her mind grappled with the implications the evening could have on her life.
That night, when it became evident, that Ben was not to be denied, Elaine had at first obeyed as he had her kneel in front of him, just as she had been trained. Still quietly obedient, she then knelt in front of their guest as well. Once she had completed the ritual of Ben’s greeting to his satisfaction, he had extolled her to welcome his friend in the very same manner. Her mouth gaping in surprise and shock she had looked up at Ben in askance, but he had only snapped his fingers at her and then reached down and leashed her collar. From that moment on, she had been quickly stripped and filled with a cock.
Harsh Lesson
Harsh Lesson
The end result was she had felt the use of both men, at first, one after the other, but soon, both at the same time. She had been split between them, often sobbing and begging, but it had no effect on either man unless one counted her pleas as what had spurred Byron to cruelly fill her mouth, gagging, choking, cutting off all sound except the wet slurping of her mouth and tongue as she sucked him in a frantic effort to appease and please, both Ben and his friend. Frantically she worked his cock, thinking he would cum and be done with her. But the men had other plans, and as the hours passed, so did their inventive use of whatever hole or opening they chose to use. Her body had not been spared the thrusting of one cock or the other, no matter if it had been her mouth, cunt, or ass. The two of them had managed to make the most of what was on offer.
Reliving that night as she slowly approached the dungeon to clean and tidy, as it was expected, being part of her duties, and not to be glossed over or forgotten, Elaine was wincing once more, pausing a moment to close her eyes in denial. It was as if she could almost feel when one man’s cock had filled her mouth, choking her, curving down her throat to reach a depth never before achieved. Shuddering, she felt the hot pain of her body being stretched and widened to accommodate her lover’s cock in her ass as he made his mark, achieving domination over her, and perhaps, even Byron as well.
As morning approached, Ben took control of the situation, cautioning Byron, that Elaine had had enough. It was time to give his fuck toy a rest. She had moaned in a pathetic attempt to rebel and escape, as Byron had reached for her again, but it was Ben that had stayed his friend’s hand. However, even as he spared her Byron’s careless and cruel fuck one more time, Ben landed a hard and targeted swat on Elaine’s uplifted bottom, assuring Byron, next time they would use the dungeon, as there were so many more ways to experience her there, and yes he would make sure she was more welcoming and accommodating when Byron visited again.

At last, coming to the end of her daily chores, she spotted Ben’s chair, and couldn’t help but tremble.  Without thought, she knelt in humble obedience on the floor in front of it.  She harbored a hope he would forget, or perhaps put aside his promise, of a night in the dungeon. Leaning forward and pressing her face to the seat of the empty chair, she began to softly cry as she knelt in fear, lust, and supplication. With the tumultuous thoughts of the night he had so easily shared her with Byron tumbling around and around in her head, she was unsure and fearful of her future, even of her place and purpose here at the castle. The hot tears flowed down her face as she sobbed and waited for his return.


I walked into the house, tossing my keys on the coffee table. My purse joined a moment later. Sighing heavily as I slip out of my shoes. Resting neatly on the large recliner is a little note written on an off-white parchment… it says only “Get ready. 7 sharp”. I bite my lip as the smooth flow of the script sends my mind racing.

I rush off to the master bathroom, stripping down as I go, careful to keep all my things tightly collected. Entering naked onto the tile floor, I deposit my clothes in the bin and grab a fresh razor from the cabinet. Throwing the shower on pulling a pair of towels down and wrapping them over the hook.

A scream echoes through the house as the icy water streams down over my body. nipples stiffen and goosebumps explode over my skin. I gather my breath and focus… the shower will warm up, but I don’t have the time to wait. Squeezing the soft vanilla scrub into the little sponge, I begin scrubbing myself down… the water slowly warms or perhaps my tolerance grows, but I scrub every last inch.

Twirling the razor in my finger, I check that every last bit of my legs are smooth… running my fingers ahead of the razor, cleaning up any rogue strays. My fingers glide higher, teasing across my pussy, checking all of my skin is smooth. The probing brush of my fingers drawing a gasp from my lips. The growing warmth of the shower and the spiral of my imagination making each little curve even more delicate to the touch. Unable to control my finger, they stroke up… then down. My hips starting to rock as the arousal grows. Another stroke, and another…

My eyes snap open, yanking my hand up across my belly. “Oh fuck… you don’t have time for this!” I say aloud to myself. Turning my attention back to the shower. Peeking through the clear curtain and seeing the hazy lines of the clock… “damn it…” I have to rush even more. Jumping from the shower, still dripping I wipe the towel up and down my body quickly… the bath mat absorbing the rest.

Stepping across to the sink, I take up the dryer, scooping it through my long red hair. Cringing as I turn up the heat. “Don’t have time to be gentle, I’ll just treat it out later…” I bite my lip, brushing faster as the water vanishes. Twisting my hair up into a high ponytail and nodding at the nearly dry red streams of hair.

Another glance up at the clock rolls my lips into a gentle smile, not nearly as late as I had feared. Walking back into the bedroom to the small white box sitting in the centre of my bed. Pulling the top away and reading the note. “Be a pretty little whore…” in that same flowing script.

Fighting back a smile as I pull the contents from the box… first, the body powder, dusting it gently across my skin. Each little stroke of the brush leaves my skin soft & scented delicately of vanilla. Then black stocking, the silk gliding up my leg, squeezing tightly across my thigh in a lace-wrapped spiral.


A deep blue silken dress slides down over my body, reaching just below my knees, but slit up the left side.. as I would step, it exposed bare skin above my stocking… the curve unbroken all the way to my waist. Pulling the thin strips of blue up over my shoulder, pulling and tugging at my full breasts to keep them carefully tucked away… nipples barely hidden by the deep scooping neckline.

Taking the little makeup bag as I return to the bathroom, I giggle as I look into the mirror. Under the bright lights, I see the faint sparkle across my skin from the glitter blended into the body powder. I focus across my face as I begin brushing foundation, blush, and eyeshadow… lining my lips in a deep, intense crimson. Eyeliner darker than I would normally wear. The giggle became a gasp of excitement, seeing the over-done makeup. Much more than the ‘normal’ me would ever wear out.

Another glance at the clock, then back to the bedroom. Adding the dangling gold earrings from the white box. Curling the little necklace tight around my throat… a delicate golden chain squeezing tight like a collar. Two long lengths of the chain reach down ending in little clips. Taking the first, pulling the top of my dress open. twirling my finger around my nipple… fighting off the little shiver as it stiffens once more. Pushing the little loop around my nipple and tightening it down. Matching its mirror in place and pulling my dress back across my breasts… admiring the gentle curve of the chain along my bust… and the more prominent peak on my nipple pressing against the line of my dress.

Slipping into the tall blue heels. Tightening the strap around my ankle, pulling it firmly. grabbing my little purse from the couch. Strutting to the front door… standing straight up, glancing over at the clock… 6:53… looking down at my feet. Patiently waiting for the sound of a key in the lock to my front door.


She waited there a while. Butterflies in her tummy just refusing to settle. She wanted to feel confident. That wasn’t going to happen, not yet anyway. Pacing a bit on the corner of the street. The bar was across the street. That was where she was meeting him. There was another ten minutes before the time they had agreed upon. It was a place she knew well and enjoyed going to for relaxing with a few drinks. but not tonight. Another minute of pacing and she took a deep breath then crossed the street. Her hands shook a bit as she pressed them against the hardwood door. It was something she knew. She could do this.

There was a bit of a crowd. That she could deal with and why she had come to this bar. Even when it got busy it didn’t make her head buzz. Another deep breath and she tried to look around the room without being too obvious she was looking around the room. Maybe why she missed noticing him. The bar was in front of her and she longed to walk up to it and order a strong drink. But that wasn’t allowed tonight. Thinking over her instructions, making sure she got them correctly. Wear a skirt, no panties. Wear heels with stockings.

Wear a button-up blouse with no bra. In her mind, she had chosen wisely. The Top was tight, her breasts were pushed up and her cleavage peeked out. The skirt was longer, past her knees. The black heels were manageable. She knew that she was going to be nervous so picking them out was more for herself. She was going to be awkward enough.

Dont drink. Don’t talk to anyone. Wait there until he was there. The clock on the wall showed it was a few more minutes. Someone walked in the door past her and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Her heart beat fast, sucking in deep breaths of air. She steadied herself. The guy nodded to her on his way past to the bar. Offering a smile to be polite she made another scan of the room.

There. He was watching her. From where she was she couldn’t tell what expression he wore on his face all she could tell was he was watching her. How long? she asked herself. A flush built across her face. However, she didn’t move. Instead, she walked to the bar. Waiting for the bartender to come up she ordered a drink, waited, then paid. Having the drink in front of her she picked it up carefully. Then started walking over to the table where he was sitting.


Standing there she waited. He was now looking past her. Making her wait. Keeping her on edge. It took all her focus to stand there and stand still. He finally nodded without a word and she set his drink down in front of him. Not brave enough to steal a glance at him this close she straightened back up and went back to waiting. He took the drink, a sip. “It is correct,” he said softly and she smiled. a small relief.

He then motioned for her to sit down across from him. She moved intently, sitting then fixing herself so that she was comfortable but the edgy nerves never really left her. Looking up at him as she sat there she let out the breath she realised that she was holding.

“You are acting like you have never done this before, girl.” he drew out his words and gave pauses at key points. “But you cant really fool me. Even if you wanted to you already gave much of yourself and tricks away in our conversations. So what is it this time?” His words knocked at her mind, and she felt her thoughts racing to come up with an answer. Her first thought was to pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about. But that wasnt going to fly, as he already pointed out. After a few minutes of thinking in the silence, she went with the truth. Now she just had to trust herself to get the words out.

“I am always this way. In this situation. Maybe more so with you, Sir. Not that I doubt that I can do what you have asked me to do but more that I want to excel and show you who and what I am.” she paused and started kicking herself mentally. He noticed it read across her face. She really was an open book in that regard, at least for the ones who could pick up on it.

The rest of the time he watched her. They went through their carefully thought-out meeting. The things he instructed her to do beforehand, the things she wondered about what it’d be like. He ordered them a light snack. Bar food was good for that at the least. at the set point she even went to the ladie’s room. There she found a stall and positioned herself as he instructed and started to fuck herself with her fingers. Making herself orgasm while trying to keep as silent as possible for fear someone might come in and catch her. It was exciting. Knowing that she was doing these things for him. It made her cunt throb harder. Her mind sink a bit more into the mindset she longed for most days.

when their time at the bar came to a close he smiled, it was a cross between something naughty and something pleased with her. “Do you want more, girl?” he asked and gave her a fair bit of time to think it over. To be sure of her answer. There were points they agreed upon. Where he would stop and ask this. But once she made up her mind, there would not likely be another stopping point between the ones they arranged. Torn is what she felt. There was a deep fear, one that yes she would be able to get off to but one that wanted to hold her back. Then there was the ever-present need to know.

“Yes Sir. I would like more. Please may I have more?” the words left her lips, they were shaky and she was more shocked she didn’t fumble as much with her words.

“Are you sure…” he said and was met with her nodding her head. With that, he stood and started towards the door. She gathered herself and followed. They walked out together, then down the street. It was a lovely night sure, but still, she shivered as she walked slightly behind him. They walked in silence. This was more for her. Wanting to talk but knew she would fare better if she just let herself think and collect herself, rolling over the feelings he invoked in her.

The hotel came into view and she started second-guessing her choice but kept going. This was bound to happen she knew and she also knew that she wanted more. Needed it. They walked through the entryway and made a right down the hall. He finally stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Opening it and allowing her to walk in first.

the room was mostly dark. With one light on from the bedroom section. It gave enough light for her to see where she was stepping. Going towards the center of the room she stopped. he closed the door and then leaned against it and looked at her. Waiting. It was his turn to wait. She looked around the room from where she was standing. There was a table and on it were a few smaller items. One was a gag. She noticed that one first. It seemed large to her and she couldn’t recall ever having one that size in her mouth before. Then there was a dildo, some rubbers, and a plug.

After noting what was there she moved on to looking towards the bedroom area. The bed was made. Nice, clean, neat. On the bed were a few towels and on the floor was a bottle of lube. Finally, she nodded and moved to start unbuttoning her shirt. Not letting it fall to the floor, she folded it and then placed it on the floor in front of her. Stepping out of her heels and then her skirt. Once she was there standing in her stockings she counted to ten in her head before moving downward, to her knees.

” I am ready, Sir. As ready as I ever will be. I want to take this moment to thank you for this chance.” she glanced over her shoulder at him then moved to look back at the ground as her arms moved behind her back. With that he moved forward. He was pleased enough with her so far, he would find out soon enough if she could please him more. walking in a circle around her he noted her body. Seeing her like this, hearing her, made him a bit more excited. She wasn’t a sure thing to him, but there wasn’t much to lose. And she had come this far.

His hand moved closer to her. She flinched. His finger moved to trail down the side of her face. she flinched again. The way someone who was used to getting beat and hurt acted when a stranger got near them. He moved his finger under her chin to lift her face upward to look at him.

“You did good so far, little slut.” The words released the tension from her a bit. Enough for him to notice. His finger left her jaw and moved downward. tracing along her collarbone. Her breathing pace changed. Deeper and more rapid. her nipples grew harder from his touch and he hadn’t even gotten near them. “mhm… ”

Her back arched, pulling her chest upward and a natural spread of her legs happened. Her body responded to his easily. She wasn’t lying about being easy he noticed. He smirked at her. Suddenly he moved his hand, slapping her right breast and forcing a yelp from her. Heated tingles moved across her flesh. It didn’t take much and a redness started to appear across her breast.

“This may be a good night after all…” he whispered into her ear as he moved closer to her. grabbing her arm and pushing her downward until her chest pressed against the floor.


Finishing School

“I look ridiculous…” my voice curling around the half-closed door of the bathroom.

“Did you follow the instructions?” The strong voice echoed back, a curious amusement in that tone.

“Yes… but I’m 19, not 14…”

“Then come out here…” his voice becoming more firm. The phrase wasn’t a request. I reluctantly step out of the bathroom. Looking across the expanse of the bedroom of my little apartment. Blushing a bit as I see him lean forward in his chair. His eyes fixed on my body, a sly grin widening on his face. My instinct was to turn and disappear back into the bathroom, but that’s not why I was here. He rose to his feet, walking across toward me, I couldn’t help but sway side to side… his gaze even more intense the closer he got.

“Stand up straight girl… time to inspect your work.” the voice was deeper, if the last phrase was a firm suggestion, then this was a command. I could feel his eyes wandering up and down, carefully inspecting my look. Lifting my head straight, staring out across the room, focusing somewhere beyond the wall.

I could feel the gaze like a touch on my skin… his eyes wandering down from my face, down my neck to my exposed cleavage. My full breasts were barely covered in a thin white blouse, held by just two buttons… gaping open above, and tied in a knot below. A lacy black bra showing out over the curve of my full mounds… hinting straight through the soft top, but on full display closer to the valley between my breasts.

His eyes wandered down my bare belly, the little silver chain wrapped delicately around my body, arching up to my belly button. A small green jewel dangling down. “Real or no?” he asked.

“It’s the clip-on…” I answer, knowing he’s referencing the anchor of the belly chain. The little magnet held on tight, keeping the jewel in place.

“We will need to get you into the shop to make that a piercing… don’t want it falling off and losing it.”

His gaze wandered further down. The little plaid skirt clinging tightly to my hips, the red and black pattern interrupted by the pleats spaced all around. The front of the skirt dipping just across my upper thighs. I continue staring straight as I hear him wandering around my body, knowing his eyes are moving across to my ass… the skirt barely covering that curve… almost sure he can see a hint of the little white cotton panties beneath.

I stare straight out… complete silence, wondering if he is transfixed on my ass in the little skirt or if he has resumed down my legs to the knee-high socks. Or if the chunky-heeled Mary-Jane shoes I picked were right… it was those or knee boots. But he didn’t comment. Maybe it was the little bow on the strap over the top of my foot… I couldn’t tell. All I could do was stare straight ahead. Focusing my attention out the wall, unable to see hints of his response. Slowly breathing in and out…

“I look ridiculous…” I repeat softly, unable to bear the silence.

The light touch of his fingers began teasing my long ponytail… I could feel him twirling the long red length… teasing, spinning it around, then a strong tug straight down twisted my face up, staring up at the ceiling. My back arching for balance, pressing my chest outward. The buttons of my little blouse straining as my breasts pressing hard on the cloth.

“When you are being inspected, you will speak only when asked a question or told to speak…”

“Yes Sir…” I whisper softly. Yelping as my hair is yanked harder, sending me tumbling over backward onto the floor.

“I didn’t ask you anything, Bitch!” His hand was unrelenting on my hair. Before I can even regain my balance, my scalp burns as he begins dragging me across the floor sending me scrambling on hands and knees to follow. I hear the soft groan of leather as he sits down, yanking my hair again, pulling me up across his lap. My belly resting on his thighs, my full tits dangling over one side, my thighs on the other.

“You are starting at St. Catherine’s Academy in a week…” He says. I feel the edge of my skirt rising up… exposing my ass as I lay over his lap. “It’s a very prestigious liberal arts college for those that know it…” I feel the edge of his palm on my thigh, sending a little shiver through me. “It started off as a finishing school, but it’s since expanded. They have NOT, however, lowered their standards in regards to behavior.” I remain silent as I feel his hand slide up higher… tugging the edge of my panties… slipping them down to my thighs. “I had to pull a few strings and call in more than a favor or two in order to get you admitted… So you are representing me as well. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir…” I answer meekly. A loud smack echoes through my ears. A sudden burning across my ass billows upward as his hand comes down harshly on my back side… forcing a little yelp from my lips.

“Listen you little bitch… I told you before that the Academy is only accepting legacy admittances… My wife was a graduate here. That’s how we are getting you in…” Another smack across my ass sends shivers through me as the pale curve reddens. “Now princess, lets try that again. Do you understand?”

“Yes Daddy…”

“Good girl… now let’s practice, shall we?” his hand softly massaging my ass, the bright red fading slowly to pink. “You are attending St. Catherine’s Academy to earn your degree.”

“Yes Daddy…”

A sharp smack lands across my ass, making me squirm. “That wasn’t a question.” He says sternly. “Let’s try again… “You are attending St. Catherine’s Academy to earn your degree.”

I keep silent. His hand lightly patting my ass. “Good. And you are getting your degree so you can be employed…” He chuckles a little to himself. “employed at Harlin & Watts,”

I part my lips, but then think better of it. Remaining silent.

“And you are going to St. Catherine’s because all your other applications were turned down. Since they were denied, you must be a bimbo. Isn’t that right, girl?”

“Um… well, no Daddy. I am going to college.” A loud slap hits my ass again, the pain surging through, biting my lip.

“You do NOT contradict your betters…” His voice stern. “Seems you do have difficulty learning, Let’s try again. You must be a bimbo, isn’t that right?”

“Yes Daddy” I whisper, trying to hold back a tear from the building pain.

“You will follow all the rules, explicitly…” his voice steady


“You will obey each and every staff member, no matter what they tell you…”


“You will attend all the classes I tell you to… And you will score well.”


“I expect you to succeed. Do you understand me?” he says

“Yes Daddy…” Another smack on the ass sends me rocking forward in his lap. “Ouch… what was that for?” I wiggle my toes trying to get my balance back.

“Because I can do as I please.” He says, I turn my head back down. Looking straight out across the room. “Now… when you are in class, if I am teaching, you will refer to me as ‘professor’ or ‘doctor’… in between classes and on campus, you can also use ‘daddy… everywhere else, ‘daddy’ is expected.” The statement a command, “Now princess, any questions?”

“I’m sure I will have a lot, but for right now… just one. I was looking through the dress code. If it’s so strict, why does it have a ‘maternity attire’ uniform?”

His chuckle was actually warm rather than strict. “Well princess, St. Catherine’s is a college, but some of the students come up through St. Bart’s School for Wayward Girls… They are a bit of a… naughty bunch and things happen with that sort of girl. Any other questions?”

“No Daddy…”

“Okay then princess…” I feel him pull my skirt back over my ass, pushing me onto my tall heels. I start to reach down for my panties that are pulling tight around my knees. “No, just leave them there. You can run along and get your makeup done. We will go tour the school soon.”

“Thank you, daddy…” I give him a little kiss on the forehead, then walk toward the bathroom, learning to use the panties as a hobble.

He smiles, as I close the door behind me… he reaches into the drawer, removing a stack of letters, the top from University of St. John’s… Through the clear plastic it reads “congratulations on your…” He tears up the letter, and the one beneath… and the one beneath. Carrying the shredded papers down the stairs, tossing them into the fireplace as he grabs his keys.


Underground Men’s Club

I am walking down the street when before I know what’s happening a man comes up behind me, wraps his hand over my mouth, grabs me and starts pulling me toward the curb. I hear a van pull up, doors open and another man jumps out and places a blindfold on me before they pull me into the van, close the doors and speed off. they must have used something on me to knock me out, because the next thing I am aware of, I am lying on a table, hands tied above my head to a pole, blindfolded still. I can hear men’s voices all around me, and I realize I’m naked except for a white cloth covering my breasts and another one between my legs from my belly button down between my legs hiding my pussy from view. I hear one of the men say “Oh, she’s waking up”. I hear him walk over to me and lean over to talk near my ear. “The doctor who examined and shaved you says you have a beautiful pussy we are going to love… for your sake, I hope he’s right. If our leader likes you, you get to stay the club’s sex slave… if not, well, let’s not talk about that shall we” and then I hear him walk off.

Over the next few minutes I hear more and more men’s voices come into the room, and them placing objects on a metal tray near me, though I have no idea what they are. Finally,, I hear the door open, and everyone gets quiet. Footsteps come over to me. “Well, well, seems we have a new one here to break in” he says running his finger along my belly and ribs. He leans down and whispers in my ear…”get ready my dear…you are about to be fucked by about 50 men, fisted, objects placed in you and more all while another 50 men watch from the viewing deck above and thousands of our members on our site live… if we like you, you will be come available for all of our members to request in the future…let’s hope that’s the case…”.

Chills run down my spine as I try to pull away…” don’t bother, you can’t go anywhere” he says. He then instructs the curtains to be opened from the viewing dome above, and for the cameramen to start filming…”Gentlemen, welcome to our latest assessment…shall we get started?”. he walks over to me once again…and slowly rolls up the cloth that is covering my breasts and exposes them for all to see. The cameraman gets closes ups of my breasts, and nipples as he tugs and teases them to erection…” oh, she seems to like this, so far so good” she says as I push my chest up and try to pull away again making protesting sounds…” I like a little bit of a fight…go ahead, fight” he says…”you won’t get away”. He leans down and tells me in my ear…” you best relax honey…I’m huge and it will go a lot better for you if you relax…” at which It becomes real that in a moment the rappings will begin…he places the ball gag in my mouth and secures it.

Underground Men's Club
Underground Men’s Club

He walks down to stand between my legs and places one of my feet up on the edge of the table, then the other, the cloth between my legs still in place. He tells the cameras to come in closer. I feel his hand on the top of the cloth just above my pubic bone, as he pushes my knees apart. Then he slowly begins to roll down the cloth until my pussy is fully exposed and on display to all of the men there in person and watching on their site. He draws in his breath…” gorgeous…” Then I shudder and pull back as I feel him touch my labia. He pulls them, “lLookhow nice and long to hug cocks” he says…he spreads them apart…”.beautiful opening… and hooded clit.”… he says… rubbing the sensitive nub and I flinch. He slaps my pussy…” mmmm remember what I told you now” he says as a reminder. He puts his finger into my pussy opening, pushing all the way in …”wow, she’s tight gentlemen”. He moves his finger around and pushes in another one before pulling back and placing his fingers into his mouth…” Lovely taste as well”.

I try to hold still as he says for fear of being abused too harshly…unable to do more than make noises with the gag in my mouth…still unable to see anyone or what is happening to me. I then hear him undo his belt and his zipper being moved…my heart starts to race …I hear his clothing being pushed down and feel his massive cock being laid on my mound…moving forward and back along my slit a few times. “Come in close with those cameras I want everyone to see this,” he says as he takes the head of his cock and after he pulls my labia back again to expose my opening, he puts the head of his cock against the opening and pushes just a little bit to make sure he’s lined up. My heart is pounding now in my chest and head…He puts his hands on my hips and then pushes his large cock into my tight tunnel as I scream against the ball gag…arching my back…he moves in further and further until he slams into my cervix, tears running out of the sides of my eyes from the stretching.

He stops and lets my body adjust to his size, then pulls back and slowly pushes forward again, and again, and again, until it becomes easy to move in and out of me as he fucks me…”yesssss he says, this one may end up being my personal sex slave after today’s event…she feels that good…” he then fucks me until he finally sprays his hot lot of cum into me and all over my outer labia marking me. The viewers get the creampie view. “Okay everyone, your turn with her…” he says as he backs off and lets the other 50 men in the room take their turns – fucking, fingering, putting objects into me, fisting me, and doing whatever they want over the next few hours, as he watches all. when they are done and I’m completely covered with cum, my pussy swollen from all the use…he comes over and places his cock inside once again…” I think we will keep you” he says and cums one more time to seal the deal.

Åsa tastes it and swallows every little drop

Åsa tastes it and swallows every little drop..her pussy still dripping from her previous encounter… feeling many eyes on her right now…and moaning…
Jon: Hey Kelwyn
Jon: come to see the show too?
SL Art Blowjob 02Åsa eyes widen as she hears another familiar name…
Jack: “fuck she is so good Jon”
Åsa moans deeply…tasting his precum as it oozes out of the tip…some escaping and leaking onto her tits…still feeling Jack’s guiding hand on the back of her head…
Jon walks over and sucks his finger before sliding it up along the slit the slowly shoves it in as she keeps the hard work up
Åsa eyes widen again and she shivers …unable to even turn her head much as she feels a finger rubbing and suddenly pushing into her soaked pussy…all she can do is moan some more…
Jack: “She still has cum in that pussy I’m sure”
Jon: she does
Jon shoves the middle finger to the knuckle pushing the remains of sperm deep within her as he wiggles his finger inside
Åsa moans deeply…curling her toes as she feels her pussy get fingered deep…at the same time Jack’s cock pushes into and tickles the back of her throat
Åsa tugs on his heavy balls and moans as she’s immediately rewarded…feeling him throb and squirt thick cum into her eager mouth…
Jon slowly begins to work his arm back and forth fingering her as she chokes on Jack’s cock… drilling her coveted cunt as she looks up at her
Kelwyn: Good morning, Jon. Good to see that you are keeping Åsa in shapeSL Art Girl 02

Åsa comes out of her fog realizing only now the float is spinning… still feeling Jon’s fingers inside her as Jack continues to cum into her eager mouth…
Jon: I am warming her up… the work out will come in a bit
Jack shoots more seed into her mouth
Åsa swallows the cum resting at the back of her throat and continues to moan, hearing Jon’s words now…
Jon cheekily sticks his tongue out as he keeps casually rolling his middle finger inside her writhing body
Jack lets her up…getting some air
Jon: Feeling better Jack?
Jack: like a new man
Jack: ha
Kelwyn nods slowly … “Aye, she sure needs some proper workouts.”
Åsa gasps cutely as she fills her lungs with air…glancing at Jack with her now messy face… moaning and licking her lips…still feeling Jon’s fingers …
Åsa Libertine: gosh look at me!SL Art Girl 01
Jon grabs her woman by the ankle and drags her away to the lounger by the side of the pool like a caveman
Jack: you’re a mess girl…you need counselling.
Kelwyn: We are, Åsa, we surely are.
Åsa Libertine: blushes and starts to lick what she can and clean what she can…
Jon: oh no yet love…
Jon: I wanna feel the mess
Åsa Libertine: laughs as she slips off the lounger into the pool and is dragged
Åsa Libertine: “its everywhere”
Jon: before I start… anyone needs a turn at her?
Kelwyn: Not the first, not the last time.
Åsa eyes widen a bit…hearing him…still breathing in and out deeply, trying to recover…
Kelwyn: You go right ahead, Jon. I have some coffee to finish,
Åsa looks up at Jon and softly smiles at him…
Jon grins widely while holding her warm messy body to him as he licks along the side of her neck reaching up to her mouth and passionately kissing herSL Art Blowjob 07
Åsa Libertine: “You drowning my boner again” *points at the water…
Jon: grins
Jon: you are gonna drown mine
Jon: so we are even
Åsa Libertine: he can only hold is breath for so long
Åsa Libertine: omg lol
Åsa feels the licks, whimpers softly, and kisses him back when our lips meet…
Jack: you held yours Åsa very well
Åsa Libertine: “Plenty of practice”
Jack: ha
Kelwyn: Aye, seems a cock works almost as well as a scuba set for you, Åsa.
Jack: haha
Jon cups her baby face with both hands, smearing Jack’s cum over the cheek like it was moisturizer… and once again kisses her one last time before leaving her lips in an adventure along her body… kissing over every little still unsoiled spot
Åsa smiles and lays back on the lounger..her body submerged in the water…kisses back and then whimpers as Jon kisses down her messy little body…biting her lip and closing her eyes, squirming…
Jon caresses along the sensual curves of her frame reaching her perky breast, gently folding it up every so slightly as he kneads from below and using his index to playfully roll the nipple as he spits on her messy and cummy folds.. unbothered by the cum licks up the slit with his tongue widely spread taking a taste her as he looks up at his woman
Jon: Does this count as tickling?SL Art CMNF 14
Kelwyn: Aye, Jon, it does.
Kelwyn: But Åsa loves it as you know.
Jon: Hope not… it could be cause of break up…
Jon: lol, no she doesn’t…
Åsa holds the side of his head and his wrist as his hand reaches up to grab one of her breasts..and spreads her legs for him…squirming and arching her back, unable to stay still…glancing over at the men casually watching..and blushes a bit…then feels Jon’s tongue working her..and returns her gaze to see him..our eyes meet. She lets out a low deep moan…
Kelwyn chuckles softly and winks
Åsa the conversation barely registering…watching Jon devour her messy cunt..knowing full well he was rock hard under the water and probably stroking his cock for her…
Jon laps her lips bottom up spreading the labia like the ice-cream he was enjoying earlier… thinking how that sweet belgian chocolate flavour doesn’t measure even a little bit to Åsa’s flavour… submerges his face into the water and once again licks up all the way from the anal ring to the top of her exposed clit, where he stops to engulf it between his lips and suckle like a mini pacifier
Åsa shivers feeling it..arches her back again..”fuckkk…yes that feels good…” rests her leg over his shoulder and wiggles her toes behind his back…still cupping his face…
Melanie Rousseau (melaniefon) is offline.
Åsa still wearing the cum of two men she’s already pleasured this morning…SL Art CMNF 16
Jon smiles softly at her and stops a moment to kiss the inner side of her thigh “They treat you well didn’t they?” then holds her left food and rubbing it with a thumb kisses her toe… sucks it and lets it go before leaving a trail of wet kisses along the leg… up to her crotch where his buries his face again to cheekily slide his tongue inside and twirl it
Kelwyn sipped my morning coffee and nodded slowly … “You play her like a precious Steinberg grand piano, Jon.”
Åsa nods her head slowly..gasping for air…” Yes..they did…” and glances up at the others watching her…she smiles warmly at her host…then glances over at Kelwyn…and bites her lip again…
Kelwyn: Focus, girl. Focus.
Åsa nods her head…” Yes sir..” glances back down at Jon…so lustfully devouring her pussy… belly rises and her chest falls…as she keeps breathing heavily…
Jon chokes in her cunt with a laugh listening to Kelwyn… and spits her cunt out his mouth for a moment “Wait to hear her sing” then gets back to what he is doing trying to not get sidetracked… closes his eyes as just feels the creamy cum covering her folds, mixing with the soak dripping down… he laps and laps, as suddenly he squeezes on her breast with the palm and pinch-rolls the engorged nipple pulling from itSL Art CMNF 26
Åsa shivers with delight as her pleasure overwhelms her…pussy quivers and she fights the urge to cum…grabs his wrist tightly and squeezes
Jon uses the shoulder to push up her waistline and feeds down on her by mouth locking onto her cunt… slurping like a vacuum as he massages her breast even fiercer
Åsa body tenses and shivers uncontrollably as she bursts ..unable to hold back…knowing full well it was Jon’s intention to send her over the top!
Jon grins and nibbles on the right swollen fat lip and looks up, waving at Nikki with Åsa’s cunt between his teeth… methodically finds his holder and puts it on like a glove
Jon groans as he mounts over her body and looks at her straight into her eyes while locking the leash to her choker… handles his hard-on to aim right between her slightly spread legs and shoves it slow… every inch to the bottom kissing the cervix lovingly
Åsa waves over at Nikki…still squirming but trying to be polite…
Kelwyn: Seem you are getting into second gear, Jon.
Jon: Hi Nikki, nice to meet you… sorry I couldn’t talk
Åsa feels the leash attach to her collar wondering where he pulled it from…and whimpers as he grips her hips and raises her lower body…wraps her legs around him and locks her feet behind and then arches her back hard as she feels Jon impale her pretty little cunt with one long deep thrust…
Jon: oh this is still firstSL Art Couple 01 2
Åsa rests her hands on his legs as he starts fucking her…licking her lips and looking up at him
Jon nibbles his bottom lip in completely aroused as his brain is taken fully by the wave of lust washing it… begins to rock his hips, using every inch of the rod to travel back and forth the canal so she can feel the throbbing swollen veins caresses along as he pounds down the womb… still feeling the cum of other men bathing her inside as he pushes the slop deeper inside
Åsa reaches down and slides her nails over her belly and down in between…rubbing over her clit and self-stimulating herself…as Jon’s cock pounds into her balls deep.. keeping her feet locked behind his back keeping him nice and deep in her belly…rubs over her belly with her other hand..feeling him moving deep inside under her skin,…”Fuck me!”
Jon pants heavily looking down at her, nailing his eyes into her baby blue jewels as he caresses up from the pubes up along her stomach… pauses to slap her left breast sideways and reaches the throat, curling his fingers around it and gently locking around the leashed collar as he fucks bangs her cunt smashing the cervix so hard that the cock head deforms on impact
Kelwyn nods slowly… “You are so cute when you beg for it, Åsa.”
Åsa Libertine: blushes at the comment…SL Art D s 03
Jon places a thumb on her lips as he keeps the lock on her neck and makes her suckle on it as she feels the clench of her muscles spasming around his cock
Åsa moves her body with Jon…moaning deeply…looking up at him..unlocking her feet and spreading wide for him…still pressing down on herself and rubbing over her clit…feeling her orgasm building and not fighting it this time…just letting herself go…arching her back hard again and tensing…eyes closed…
Jon: grunts
Åsa Libertine: mmm gimmmee
Åsa Libertine: bites her lip hard and releases…
Jon curves over barely keeping his footing as he tenses up
Kelwyn: Gorgeous.
Jon: whimpering
Jon: panting heavily as he looks down with hazy eyes
Åsa drops her head back..eyes closed…panting heavily as well…then slowly opens them to see Jon’s gaze..and softly smiles at him
Jon looks up and falls over her body and reaches for her lips to tenderly kiss her as he takes his breath back
Åsa Libertine: I’m glad we were in the pool I’d be overheating right now
Jon: phewSL Art D s 061

Slave vs. Submissive – this is a very good read!

This was my first topic of discussion with Sir Kelwyn and I think it is an important topic of discussion.

“The biggest difference in submissive vs. slave is choice. The submissive always has a choice. she (I will use a feminine pronoun throughout just to make it simple) chooses her limits and what areas of her life her Dom is allowed to control. A good analogy of this is to look at these dynamics in a different light. In a D/s situation it’s like the submissive is an employee, and the Dominate her Boss.

She may not agree with the rules received and can talk with her Boss and compromise. With an M/s situation, it’s more like being in the military. The slave has no choice. An order is an order, period, and to disobey an order brings huge and sometimes life-altering consequences.

This is evident in the setting of limits. A submissive is in control of any and all limits, hard and soft. If she doesn’t like a certain scene or certain play, she can say no and that’s the end of it. With a slave, it is the Master that sets the limits. There may be discussions about these limits, but in the end, the Master makes the final decision no matter what the slave wants. A slave doesn’t have that privilege.”

The bottom line a submissive has more control over who she wishes to submit to and therefore presents a powerful role in the relationship or experiences that allows freedom.