Category Archives: Julchen McKeenan-Guardian

Tied up by you

The day was coming to an end and I got home pretty exhausted. You were already expecting me and your longing for me was immediately noticeable. Your hands quickly grabbed my wrists, my bag fell to the floor and you pinned me against the cold wall. You whispered softly in my ear… “Get undressed and sit on the chair there!”

My eyes looked at you a bit surprised, but I followed your instructions as they should be for a sub. Minutes later I sat down in the chair. I was naked, offering myself to you in all my beauty. Freed from everything, I waited anxiously to see what would happen. I felt you stand behind me. My breathing suddenly quickened, my chest rising and falling rapidly. Your hands gently caressed my breasts, gently kneading them. “Close your eyes and trust me.” …I heard your voice whisper softly.

There was no doubt in my mind because I have trusted you for more than two years. We both live out our feelings intensively whenever we feel this urge, this lust for one another. A band of black silk now wrapped my eyes and perceived the atmosphere more clearly. Your scent, your softly breathed words, all made me fall, made me drift away. Your hands squeezed my arms behind the back of the chair. A slightly uncomfortable pull flowed through my body. A rope fixed the arms in the crook of the arm and another at the wrists. I heard a few footsteps as you walked away and returned.

“Put your legs up and spread your thighs as wide as you can. Show me MY horny cunt. I want to see her nice and wet.” you said in a firm voice. It wasn’t easy to place my heels on the chair’s small seat, but I managed quite well. Skillfully you pressed my heel in the direction of the buttocks and a rope, which you put over your knee, fixed everything. You tied the end of the rope to the back of the chair. Repeat the fixation on the other leg. I couldn’t move anymore and my already wet cunt was throbbing more and more. Listen, sense, and feel what would happen.

Those were my thoughts. The vortex of lust, lust and devotion made me fall further. I felt a sense of release even though I was completely fixed. It was like an intoxication that I couldn’t escape from, that I felt and experienced so intensely that I completely forgot about my surroundings. Everything is tied to this one feeling and I hope for salvation.

The next moment I felt your fingers rubbing over my hard nipples. A groan found its way quietly. You twirled it briefly between your thumb and forefinger and only seconds later a deep pain ran through me, a strong pull and I groaned loudly. I felt the hard nipples being pulled down. Then I knew that you had put on me the metal clamps, which were provided with a small weight. This pleasure-pain catapulted me extremely upwards. The room became very quiet and I knew exactly that you were looking at me at this moment. Tied up by you, decorated with nipple clamps and with a very wet cunt, I was now sitting in front of you.

After a minute or two, my ears caught a faint buzzing. I wondered what it could be and I started to smile. You carefully touched my clit with the electric vibrator. I groaned out loud because that first touch was so extreme, so intense. My breathing quickened and I felt my cunt screaming for more. I tightened my pelvic floor and let it loose again. Of course, you didn’t miss it. Again, stronger this time, you pressed the vibrator against my clit.

I moaned even louder and pulled on the ropes, which wouldn’t budge. “You know you can’t come without my permission?” “Yes sir, I know that.” …I replied panting. The vibration didn’t give my clit a break and my horniness increased more and more. I gasped, trying not to come. The vibration spread throughout my body, took more and more of me and carried me further towards salvation. ‘Would I be allowed to come?’ …it flashed briefly through my thoughts.

A few minutes later my clit was overstimulated. I just wanted to be fucked hard so I could scream out my lust. “Sir, I’m about to climax. May I come please?” …I asked quietly. seconds passed. I was hoping so hard and my cunt was throbbing so hard. Your scent came closer and then I heard this softly… “Yes, come for me MINE!” and I smiled briefly.

Then you fucked me with hard bumps. My breathing was out of control and I moaned, gasped, gasped. The horniness made me tremble and I finally wanted to feel this feeling of salvation. A few thrusts later I exploded in a tremendous climax. I felt cold and hot at the same time. I cried out my climax, and felt the total release.

Slowly, slowly, I came back. I swallowed because my throat was dry. The violent trembling diminished. The tension eased and I felt you untie the ropes. You took off my blindfold and I let myself fall into your arms. You caught me tenderly, warmth enveloped me and you kissed my forehead gently. “What sweet lust you have offered me. I thank you for this.” …I heard your voice whisper to me. I smiled at you exhausted but happy and whispered… “Thank you sir for letting me come.”


The gift

The temperatures had risen in the last few days and I pushed my way through the well-stocked shops in the city. It was Sunday shopping on Valentine’s Day. In my pockets was everything you needed for an erotically hot evening. Scented candles, hot lingerie and a glass of good wine. I had already laid out a rough schedule, but there was this one stranger, my partner!

When I got home, I took a shower. The liquid soap spread very easily in the sponge, foamed up and smelled of wild orchids. I let my hands slide over my arms, towards my lusciously shaped breasts. The nipples woke up, straightened up in no time and became harder and harder. I stripped the soapy foam out of the sponge and gently spread it over my stomach and thighs. I automatically closed my eyes and dived in to enjoy my cuddles. The small cushions were in the right places and rounded off the overall picture perfectly.

The breasts plump, the hips shapely and a sexy tight ass. The orchid scent made me a little foggy and I wanted more of those touches, even if they weren’t his. The fingers reached my clit and I began to play around them with light pressure. It felt more than good, but I couldn’t indulge my lust. Not now! I waited anxiously, sipping from the half-empty glass of red wine and staring at the clock mesmerizingly. I was dozing off when the key turned in the lock. I sat up in a flash and my face began to shine. Finally, he was there, back with me.

“Princess, where are you?” I heard him call. “I’m in the bedroom,” I called back. “Is that your outfit for the evening?” “Yes, it is,” I answer with a questioning look. Dimples formed around his mouth and he smirked as he stood in the doorway. “Come to me and greet me as it should be,” he whispered a little briskly. “Where is your mobile phone? Didn’t you read my message?” I looked around searchingly. I was trying to figure out where I last saw it. “Here it is.” He waved it in front of my nose and his voice sounded quite annoyed as he continued. “Since you don’t feel it necessary to read my messages, you will come with me as you are.”

My question marks grew more and more in my head. ‘Where does he want to go with me? I want to have a quiet evening with him.’ The next moment he pulled two tickets out of his jacket: “I got us tickets to the theatre and then I wanted to go out to dinner with you. Now get up and throw on your coat, because it’s damn cold outside.” Since I was still sorting through the information, I just grabbed the coat and followed him. He didn’t say a single word about my outfit, which disappointed me. ‘But didn’t I disappoint him too? I should better watch my phone and not miss any of his messages.’ I mentally slapped myself for it.

We entered the spacious box. Comfortable armchairs, a bottle of wine, and two glasses. ‘Oh man, he had thought of something too. How stupid was I? I could have dressed up really well for the theatre and now I’m sitting here in a red negligee and thong.’
“Now take off your coat and let us look at you, Princess!” A smile crossed my lips and I presented myself to him. “mmmh you look delicious.” he whispered to me and pulled me in for a kiss. A hard smack on my ass followed. I just hoped no one had heard the clapping. “Kneel in front of me! You’re going to jerk off and suck my cock right now so you remember to keep an eye on your phone.”

He gently pushed me onto my knees. “Yes, I definitely will,” I replied. There was already a bulge on his pants and I opened them quickly. His cock rocked towards me and I took it into my mouth with relish. “That’s fine. Suck him real hard Princess.” My tongue played intensively around the edge of his glans and I noticed how he leaned back in the chair. Spurred on by his soft moan, I continued. Let my tongue slide over the shaft and gently sucked in his balls, playing with them in his mouth.

My lust pushed itself more and more out. My juice collected in my cunt. She was beyond wet and ready. I thought about taking a shower again and my desire jumped up again. “I’ve got something for your hot cunt here. Push it deep and keep going,” he whispered and put a vibrating egg in my hand. With a flush it was gone in me and I felt immediately how much it increased my lust. “If you lose it, it’s all over Princess!” Since I had already closed his cock in my lips and sucked it in, I nodded in agreement.

I picked up my pace and got his reaction immediately. I was totally obsessed with what was happening around us a reaction. I completely ignored what was happening around us. My lust turned into lust, into lust for him, his hard cock and that he would fuck me here and now. His moaning grew stronger and louder, but I hoped it wasn’t audible to the others in the hall below. With my muscles, I held the Vibroei in me and enjoyed the intense vibrating.

I wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer because a single slap on my ass would have released my tension. His cock was so plump and tasted extremely good, soon I would feel his juice spreading in my mouth. I continued eagerly. I now jerked him intensely with my mouth and a few minutes later I was rewarded. He squirted his juice unerringly down my throat and I just swallowed.

He had set the vibrating egg to the highest level and I was also close to salvation. Then it was over! No more vibration! My lust turned to frustration and I let him feel it with my teeth. “Enough now!” he said gruffly and pulled his cock out of my mouth. I rocked back and forth on my knees and tried to compensate for my horniness, but I couldn’t. My disappointed look went to him. “What’s the matter, Princess? Did you think you were allowed to come after your blunder with the phone today?”

I silently nodded to him. “Get up and sit on my lap.” I followed his instructions a little reluctantly. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a loving kiss on the forehead. “I have a little present for you if you want it.” his lips whispered softly in my ear.
I pricked up my ears and said. “Yes, I would like to have it.” He pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket.

When I opened it, a ring shone at me and I spontaneously gave him a heartfelt kiss of joy. He slowly pushed it onto my finger. “Everyone should see that you are taken. All the best to Valentin Princess.” “All the best to you too and thank you for the great gift”

The exhibition

Friday! weekend, I thought.
I had been invited by a friend to visit an exhibition with her. Around 7 p.m. the doorbell rang. It was the taxi driver. On the drive to the venue, I tried to find out more, but my acquaintance would not come out with the language. I pondered what it could be. ‘A picture gallery or sculptures, modern art or even this exhibition in which prepared, real bodies are shown?’ I shuddered at the thought.

The taxi turned into a backyard and stopped in front of an old iron gate. ‘Where did she take me?’ I thought. It followed a long flight of stairs down. Anxiety spread through me and I automatically grabbed her hand. Mental soft music began to reach my ears and the trepidation eased somewhat. The whole room was bathed in a dim light and a half-dressed waitress offered me a glass of bubbly.

I still sorted my thoughts and let the room continue to affect me. Some of the people around me were very well-dressed. Many women wore a touch of nothing. Silk dresses where you could see the shapely curves or long, semi-transparent evening dresses. I felt completely out of place in my jeans and t-shirt, but my friend continued to pull me across the room.

“Come along. I want to introduce you to someone.” “Yes, I’m coming. Don’t pull my hand like that.” I snorted back. She pointed to a handsome man my age. “This is John. John, this is Angela.” I shook his hand and smiled.

After a short greeting and a chat, we followed John behind the scenes. I wondered what I was doing here. My gaze wandered over the tables and my eyes saw ropes, snap hooks and metal rings. From very small to the max. John talked like hell and explained to me what all the paraphernalia are for. I noticed at that moment how John looked me up and down and then he asked directly. “Angela, would you like to be my model?”

My eyes widened and I was speechless for a few seconds. I looked around again with a long look at the tables and nodded. “Yeah, why not. What do I have to do exactly, John?” Two thoughts further on, I already knew what it would be about. “Come on Angela, I’ll show you where to undress.” He grabbed my arm and yanked me away. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m very experienced and I’ve received a lot of praise for my artwork.” I looked into John’s eyes a little uncertainly in the changing room, but I noticed how he calmed me down with his mere presence. “Put on the black thong and stick the pads on your nipples. I’ll come get you in about 10 minutes.” I nodded and John left me alone.

The curtain jerked open. “Are you ready Angela?” “Yes, we can start,” I answered, even though my stomach was queasy. The corridor stretched a few meters until I was pushed into a cone of light by John. He whispered to me, “Stand on the pedestal. Arms and legs straight, away from the body.” His voice was soft and took away my last feeling of anxiety. I looked into the semi-dark room, and saw people looking at the finished works of art, but I couldn’t see any faces.

John stepped behind me and began measuring ropes that were lined up next to the dais. He doubled the rope around my right ankle and tied it with a knot. The rope felt soft despite being tight around the ankle. John’s words returned to my mind. “You need special ropes for bondage. They must be twisted well and not pinch the skin when knotting.”

John pulled me out of my thoughts: “Angela, please look straight out!” I immediately followed his instructions and an unknown feeling spread through me. ‘Did I like his tone? I don’t normally let anyone tell me anything, do I?’ The hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and the tingling penetrated my body more and more. Inwardly I urged John to “Go ahead. I like it when you tie me up with ropes.” The second rope was looped around my left ankle and I felt the tingling reach my inner core. ‘Wow!’ I thought. ‘What’s the matter with me? Could it be that this bondage show made me horny?’

My juice collected in my middle, which was only prevented from penetrating to the outside by the thin string. Ropes at the knees followed. John got up and by accident brushed my nipple, causing the nipple to stand up. Partly I was scared of myself and what was going on inside me, partly I wanted more of it. The more ropes wrapped around my body, the freer I felt. I didn’t have to worry about being tense.

A look at my Lord. He had freed his cock from his pants and was massaging it hard, drops of pleasure glistening in the dim light. “Princess, are you all right?” he finally asked. I wanted to signal NO by swinging my eyes back and forth, but his little bitch was allowed to continue tormenting me. I wanted to come, now! In this second!

I just closed my eyes now, concentrating on not cumming and hoping the pleasure punishment would be over soon. Certainly, I would no longer play myself if I was alone.

Completely caught up in my thoughts, I didn’t notice right away how the bitch and my master swapped places. The cock gag rocked back and forth slightly as the bitch got up and walked to the chair. I would have loved to spit out this gag, right in my master’s face. My Lord grabbed the leg brace, pushed it up and spread my legs as far as possible. I cried out briefly, followed by a few hard smacks on my ass with the flat of my hand. I wouldn’t last long until my climax would end in a huge explosion.

He penetrated me powerfully and after the third or fourth push nothing worked anymore. I looked at him pleadingly, asking permission to come. “Oh, no my naughty princess. No coming!” A few minutes later he pulled out of me and squirted his juice on my chest and face. “Clean them up and free them from their bonds.” came his last instruction to the bitch before he disappeared into the bathroom himself.

20 minutes later I was finally alone with him. He held me lovingly in his arms and whispered softly: “Don’t play yourself, not even when you’re alone, understand?!” I nodded to him in understanding. “Yes, sir understood. Thank you for the appropriate punishment.”

Orbs of lust

I’ve been chasing around town all morning, buying everything for dinner with friends. What fascinated me and kept me at an enormously high level was this electrifying feeling inside me.

When I opened my eyes and looked at the bedside table, I was instantly wide awake. There they lay, sparklingly seductive and connected with a finely twisted thread. They were wonderfully cool when I picked them up. Only then did I see the little piece of paper with your note on it. “Insert her deeply while you’re running errands around town.” How long have I had the desire to carry balls like this? I do not know it anymore.

I slowly let the first ball slide into me. Within a few seconds, it was deep inside me and literally pulled the second ball after it. I still only felt the pleasant coolness and I got ready. Wash, dress, and fix my hair. The more I moved, the more the balls vibrated. Now and then I thought I heard a click. ‘Did I imagine it? Would the other passengers hear it?’
Over time, my lust increased and I wanted to do it myself. Wanted to dip my fingers into me and push me further up, but that didn’t work.

You were already on your way home and if I didn’t get home before you did, I would have an appropriate punishment. Two ingredients were still missing and the shop was over a kilometre away. Of course, I had to walk the long staircase to get to the upper town. Every step gave me more desire, more horniness.

The slip was already soaked in my cunt juice when I entered the apartment just a few minutes before you. I put the things in the kitchen and then sank onto the sofa. At that moment you came into the living room and bent over me. With a jerk you lifted me onto the backrest and gave me a passionate kiss. Your hands pushed up my skirt and you had a clear view. When you retreated, you slipped the panties off my legs and once deeply inhaled his scent.

You pushed my legs wide apart and you saw a very exciting sight. First, you played around my clit and then pulled on the tab until you could see the first ball. My hands clutched the sofa with excitement. I heard my cunt smacking. Felt the juice pushing towards you. You gently pushed the ball back into me. I exploded inside and screamed my high. At that moment you pulled hard on the tab, which gave me an additional climax.

The balls were completely encased in cunt juice and I saw a proud smile in your eyes. “Lick clean your New Year’s gift and get ready to eat.” came your instruction. In passing you gave me a strong slap on my bare ass.

Pleasure punishment

I woke up with a start and groped for your hand. You still haven’t returned from the party. My eyes went to the clock, which already showed midnight. I lolled under the covers and started rubbing my nipples. First gently, then with more pressure. In no time the nipples stood out and I took them between thumb and forefinger.
When I close my eyes, my thoughts circled to your cock. I saw him clearly in my mind’s eye and the twirling of the nipples became stronger. I groaned, felt myself giving myself pleasure and literally sank into her whirlpool.

A hand of mine wandered over my stomach to my middle and two fingers slid between the labia. She was wet in seconds and my slightly suppressed lust broke out more and more. I noticed the soft opening of the door too late.

“Can you tell me what that will be?” I heard, half dazed, the serious voice of my master. With a jerk, he snatched the covers from me and I came back to the here and now. His eyes were angry and he waved his hand to show me where my seat was. Quickly and without thought, I knelt before him, bending all the way down and murmuring under my breath, “I’m sorry, sir. I just felt so very alone.”

I felt his gaze was still icy and he briefly left the room to return with a woman. I heard her heels clacking across the floor. I turned my head and tried to look up. “You keep your head down!” he called to me. I immediately looked back towards the ground. But I pricked up my ears and could only guess what was going on.

Her thong fell to the ground right in front of me and a few minutes later I heard her moaning as well. Inside I was seething, but I wasn’t allowed to show it. I was his and had to obey him. He cared for me, he loved me in his very special way. “Now get up and lie down with us.” I heard his words in a slightly milder mood. “Hands up, legs spread.” I followed and almost knew what was coming. He pulled a rope from the top drawer of the bedside table and first tied my wrists together, then he fastened the rope to an eyelet in the wall.

The ankles were fixed with a splint. There was no escape, no rearing up. ‘What was he up to and what is this bitch doing here?’ Our eyes met and my Lord noticed how I resisted the whole situation internally. He smiled at me and I could read the exact following sentence in his eyes. ‘This is what happens when my princess is naughty.’

My master had sat down in the armchair by the dressing table and was puffing on his cigarette. “Put the cock gag in her mouth, I want to watch you in peace.”
‘Watching what and why that gag? Had I really been that naughty? He could have come home earlier, then I would never have had this lustful thought.’
I just saw myself as right and tugged at the rope. “Now finally put on the gag!” he instructed his playmate. “Open your mouth Princess!” he commanded me.

She adjusted the gag and latched the nape of her neck, half-pressing her breasts into my face. The silicone tasted awful and I had to suppress a slight urge to vomit. She took the rubber cock in her mouth and sucked it wet. My master obviously liked this sight, because I saw in the corner of my eye how his trousers were getting tighter and tighter. “Now turn around and shove the rubber cock into your wet cunt.” followed another instruction to the bitch. I had already half-closed my eyes when she stretched her tight ass towards me.

I felt more than used. My only thought was away, far away from here. Her pelvis rose and fell rhythmically and I heard her moan softly. “Here take this and make my princess really horny.” she got new instructions. It’s unbearable not knowing what’s going to happen and yet I reacted differently.

A soft buzzing sounded in my ear and only seconds later something vibrated on my clit. I gasped for air, which wasn’t easy to do through my nose. The pressure steadily increased and I moaned into the gag, biting into it. My hips tried to break out, but I couldn’t move. “Up the level!” I heard his voice again and there was a nasty grin on her. I just thought. ‘That bastard had his fun and so did the bitch. Where was mine?’ I was so horny now. I wanted his cock without a gag, without a bitch.

The juice pushed out from my center and the scent spread throughout the room. My moans turned into screams as I felt helpless trying to control myself. Coming was forbidden for me and I couldn’t ask either because of the gag. Tears rolled down the cheek and all mush