Category Archives: Tai Marenwolf NSFW

Morning Desire

Morning Desire

Did I ever tell you that I often wake up wanting you?  Burning with desire, so wet that you could simply slide between my wide-open thighs and plunge home in those first waking moments.

This morning, I woke to find you gone already, your side of the bed empty and bereft.  I roll slowly over onto my side and slide one hand over your pillow, searching for your body’s heat.  Pulling the pillow to my face I inhale deeply your scent and moan in frustration. 

Lying here, draped across the bed, I feel the breeze flow across my naked flesh and think of you. It amazes me that though you may be physically miles away, your presence can still linger with me almost as clearly as a caress.  The curtains are drawn in the room but small beams of sunlight sneak in to fall upon the carpet, the bed and my skin.  The spring breeze flows over and around me as a ghost lover’s touch and my body responds to that touch and thoughts of you.  

I glide my hands up over my belly to cup my full breasts, imagining that they are not my hands at all… but yours. Cupping the weight of them in my palms I can feel so clearly the heat of your mouth as you take my nipple deep into your mouth that I gasp and open my eyes.. only to realize that it is not you kissing my breast but the sun.  Running my fingers over my nipples, gently pinching and rolling them between my fingers, I moan softly into the quiet morning. Swelling and growing hard, my nipples ache for your attention and I can feel my desire pooling between my thighs.

The soft growling noises you make when you are excited replay themselves and remembered sensations of your body on my own, making my body tremble beneath my hands.  Slowly I slide one of my hands down my belly in search of the throbbing core of my desire. Opening my thighs to allow further exploration, I can feel that I am drenched, dripping with need.

Softly brushing my fingers over my pussy, stopping to gently circle my clit, I moan into the quiet morning.  Continuing my journey, I slide one finger deep inside myself.

“I forgot…” Your voice trails off as you enter the bedroom.  Your eyes darken with desire and I can hear a groan deep in your throat as you approach the bed. 

“I woke up and needed you, wanted you…” I whisper as my hand stills. 

“Don’t stop girl.” You whisper huskily, standing at the foot of the bed.

Taissa Marenwolf - Bath House
Taissa Marenwolf – Bath House

Staring into your eyes, I begin to trace the path that I yearn for your hands and mouth to follow.  Down, down to the wet center of my need my hands move, followed by your eyes.  As my fingers trace circles around my clit I hear your breath catch. Slowly I slide one finger deep inside, feeling the wet and heat of my body.

“Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you right now?” Your voice is low and my body trembles in response.

“Please, I need to feel your body against mine… I need to feel you deep inside of me Sir.” I whisper.

“Roll over, I want to take you on your knees.”

A soft moan escapes my lips as I roll over onto my belly.  I feel the bed shift as it accepts your weight, and your hands as they caress my back.  Your hands come to settle on my hips pulling me back into you and up onto my knees.  Feeling the heat of you and the hardness of your cock pressing against my pussy I moan your name aloud.

“Shh, not yet, not yet.” You whisper, beginning to tease my cleft with the tip of your cock.  Softly, slowly sliding just the tip of your cock inside of me, until with one, long, slow thrust you are deep inside of me.  Pushing my ass back against you, contracting my muscles deep within to tease your cock, I shudder as you fill me completely.  Your hands on my hips create our rhythm.  Like the ocean meeting the shore, our bodies move together in a rhythm more ancient than time.

I can tell when you are close, your fierceness betrays you. Our bodies straining to get closer, your thrusts coming faster and harder like your breath. I am no longer able to control the moans of pleasure that are escaping my lips.  The feel of the heat of you, the hardness of you, and the sounds of your desire are all sending me over the edge. 

“I’m cumming Sir.” I moan aloud. 

“Yes, girl, You are.” You groan loudly as you plunge deep within me.  Your hands tighten at my hips, your fingers digging in as our rhythm grows hard and fast and we crash over the edge together. 

Copyright Tai Marenwolf NSFW

Humid Was The Night

Humid Was The Night

The night was hot, sticky, the air heavy with humidity. As my eyes opened to glance at the clock, I realized the heat is what woke me, and I pushed the sheets down off my body. Stretching, back arching, limbs reaching, head bent back, I felt the cool breeze from the fan as it passed over my body. Sighing softly at the sensation of the cooler air caressing over my naked skin, I reached out a hand, feeling you asleep beside me, I smiled, tracing a whisper soft touch down your back as you slept. Your skin hot, soft, but the muscles beneath so hard, I bit down on my bottom lip, purring softly at the way even this simple touch of your skin could arouse me.

Rolling back onto my back, eyes closing, I could not find sleep, but only memories of you, erotic, hot, sensual moments of our bodies lost in each other. Moaning softly, my hands moved of their own accord, tracing slowly along my throat, and down to cup my breasts, teasing my nipples, I felt them harden instantly, my fingers dancing across them, tugging lightly. I whimpered aloud as my touch wandered lower still. Tracing the smooth, flat, hot line of my abdomen, my fingers circling my belly button before slipping lower still, tracing over the smooth skin of my mound.

My hips lifting up off the bed of their own accord and seeming to reach for the touch of my hand, my hand slipped down, lower, lower, tracing over my pussy, already wet with my desire, my fingers slid down, slightly parting the lips and dipping in to trace the whisper soft over my aching clit, I trembled at the touch, my breath catching, and I felt myself grow wetter still.

You groaned low in your throat, rolling over and onto your back, and I froze, thinking You were awake, but I felt your body ease, your breath becoming soft and quiet again. Quietly, I rolled onto my side, watching You sleep, a wicked smile curved my full lips at a thought.. a desire.. should I… would I?

I sighed softly, my tongue darting out to trace over my bottom lip as I tugged lightly on the sheet, baring your beautiful, rugged body to my eyes.. and my touch. My fingers danced lightly down your chest, the barest whisper of a touch, I watched your breathing shift a bit, and your arm come up and over your eyes, as You sunk quietly back into slumber.

Softly, slowly, I dragged one finger down your belly, the nail grazing lightly down, and I felt myself aching.. biting down on my bottom lip, I traced that same finger slowly, so softly, along the length of your cock, watching your immediate response, feeling how your cock twitched and began to become hard at my touch, I moaned softly. And still.. you slept on.. coming up onto my knees, I slipped closer still to you, my long auburn hair tumbling freely on your belly as my lips traced the same path my fingers just created.

Tai Marenwolf - Rope Bliss
Tai Marenwolf – Rope Bliss

Purring softly, my tongue darted out, tracing that very same path, the taste of you on my tongue, the scent of you surrounding me, I whimpered softly as my tongue moved lower still, tracing along the hard length of your cock, I knew the moment You woke up, in the change of your breath… in the way your body tensed, the slightest of movement. Your cock throbbing beneath my tongue, my mouth ached for You. I needed You to fuck my mouth, I was no longer sure if I was teasing You or myself as your hips moved toward my waiting mouth.. my lips parted and I sipped just the head of your cock into my hot, waiting, aching mouth.

So soft, so hard, the taste of you dancing on my tongue as I sucked, tongue tracing over the head of your cock, as I settled there between your thighs, purring low in my throat. Your hands slid down, winding themselves in the tousled mane of my hair, easing it away from my face, your eyes found mine, dark, not from the night, but with your passion. You growled, low in your throat, “Mine.” I whimpered softly at that and sucked harder, my mouth sliding from the head of your cock and slowly slipping down the shaft, taking more of you into the heat of my mouth, my tongue teasing, caressing, teeth grazing, I ached to please you, pleasure you, feel your body as it lost control.

I moaned low.. or was it a whimper.. of need.. of want…my own body restless, moving, my mouth moving to take you in slow, steady, deep.. deeper, taking you into the wanting, heat of my mouth, my throat. You moaned then, growled almost, your fingers tightening in my hair. Your hands slid through my hair, over my shoulders, lower still until you grasped my hips, tugging me toward you, your fingers digging lightly into my hips as you settled me, straddling you, and with one thrust, your cock slid home, and deep inside my aching, needy pussy.

My head fell back, long hair tumbling down my back, as I moaned into the night, feeling your hard length deep inside me, tightening my muscles, I held your cock tightly, my thighs gripping your hips, even as your hands on my hips moved my body to your rhythm, our rhythm, our breath, moans, growls.. the only sounds filling the night, as our bodies yearned. aching.. to be closer.. and closer still…

My nails raked down your chest, our eyes locked, as your thumb found my clit, soft, circles you traced and my body trembled, soft whimpers escaping my lips as we rocked together.. aching.. needing, thrusting, breath catching, your other hand moved to the back of my neck, yanking me down, your mouth seducing my own, as your hips thrust hard, your thumb teasing my clit, I felt you begin to lose control, and I began to lose my own, tumbling with you over that edge, screaming your name into your mouth, into our kiss, both of us trembling, without breath, covered in a fine sheen of sweet, until our movements slowed, stilled and I collapsed onto your chest, listening to your hearts frantic rhythm, your fingers tracing lightly along my cheek, I felt your smile rather than saw it.. my own lips curving up, I turned my eyes to yours and whispered “Yours, all Yours.”

Copyright Tai Marenwolf NSFW


Pleasing You

Pleasing You

The darkness outside presses against the window pane, seeming to almost dim with sheer will the light within the room. I sit, curled up on the window seat, my heated forehead laying against the cool glass. My mind is racing, but my body is still, because I do not want to wake You. A soft smile curves my lips as I think of You. A shiver courses through me as the cold from the window and the heat of the room war within my body.

Quietly, I walk into the bathroom and turn on the taps to fill the tub . Warm steam begins to cloud the mirror as the tub fills up. Putting up my long hair, I slide my silk robe off my shoulders and down my body until it pools at my feet. I step into the tub, slowly easing my body into the hot water as a gasp escapes my lips. Quietly I begin the ritual. Soaping my body, my hands running over my wet, heated skin as I imagine your hands touching me. I run a wash cloth over my skin, softening my skin and preparing it for the oil I will soon apply. A razor run over my skin finishes the bath and I slide up to sit naked upon the edge of the tub. Reaching into my bag, I grab my body oil. As I begin to smooth it into my feet and legs, up my belly, my breasts and arms, the scent of peaches fills the steamy air.

With one quick stroke I wipe the mirror clean of steam and begin to apply my make-up. Brushing out my long hair until it falls softly around my head and shoulders, then putting it up into a ponytail, a quick spray of scent finishes my ritual. Wrapping my body again in my deep red silk dressing gown, I step to the door and softly open it. The room is dark, the only light the soft golden glow cast from the candles on your dresser.

“Feeling better, girl?” Your voice startles me.
“Yes Sir, thank you.. I thought you were still asleep I say quietly.
“Waiting. For you to come here.” your voice is deep and low.
Strangely, now that we are here in this space, together.. after so long.. I am nervous. My hands shaking, my body trembling, I know that You are telling me to come to You.. and yet.. I can’t seem to move.

“girl, Come Here.” You say, and when I look into your eyes the fear vanishes and I walk toward the bed, toward You and stand quietly. Slowly, Your eyes never leaving mine, You come up to standing. You reach out, slowly caressing my shoulders and my body trembles in response to the slightest touch of Your hands. “Remove your robe.” Your words was over me and I push my gown off my shoulders and it pools at my feet. I am suddenly shy, standing in front of You as Your eyes slowly roam over my naked flesh. Staring down at the floor, I can see the flickering light that casts a golden glow upon my flesh from the candles.

“Look at me, girl” You say quietly. My breath catches and I seem unable to move my eyes from the floor. You reach one hand out and lift my chin, forcing my eyes to meet your own. In that one instant all my worries are gone, and only the desire to please You remains.

Slowly, keeping my eyes locked upon your own, I slide down to my knees and kneel.. right there at Your feet. Passion darkens Your eyes as You gaze down on me and I can feel my own desire rising in response. The simple act of kneeling at Your feet has made my heart begin to beat faster, my breath catch at the back of my throat and I can feel my wet beginning to drip down my inner thighs.

Tai Marenwolf - Angel's Dream
Tai Marenwolf – Angel’s Dream

“Please..” I whisper softly.
“Please what?” You respond, looking down at me.
I open my mouth, and can find no words. “Please What?” You say again, “Touch your breasts for me, pinch those nipples and make them hard for me, girl.” A smile curling Your lips as You say these words.
A blush creeps up my cheeks. But touch is easier for me than vocalizing my desire to please you. Raising my arms above my head, I run my fingers through my hair, down my neck, and each arm until my palms come to my breasts. Slowly cupping my full breasts, feeling the weight of them, my nipples hardening because of this attention. My head falls back, my hair cascading over my back, eyes closing as I caress my breasts.

Slowly raising my head back up I gaze into Your eyes. The desire reflected there takes my breath away and I slowly come up onto my knees, looking into Your eyes as I do. “Let me.. Let me please You, Sir?” I whisper softly, tripping over my own words. “Yes, you may.” You answer huskily.

Slowly, I begin to run my hands up your legs from your ankles, slowly up your calves, behind your knees and up to cup Your ass in my hands as I press my mouth to the fabric concealing Your cock from me. Running my tongue along the length of Your hard cock through the fabric. Hearing your breathing become ragged, I slide my hands around to Your belt buckle. Gazing into Your eyes, biting softly on my bottom lip, I undo Your belt. Slowly lowering the zipper, I reach one hand in to stroke Your length. Feeling the heat of You and how hard Your cock has become a soft moan escapes my lips. Your fingers bury themselves into my hair as I push the fabric out of my way and slowly drag my tongue from the tip of Your cock to the base. Sliding my tongue under Your cock to softly lick from the base to the tip, feeling Your hands bury themselves deeper in my hair as Your desire rises. Raising my eyes to meet Your own I slowly slip the tip of Your cock into my mouth.

Sucking softly on just the very tip of Your cock, silky soft against my lips, yet so hard. A soft moan comes from deep within me as I hear Your breath becoming harsh in the quiet surrounding us. Returning my attention to the feel of You, the heat of You, I softly suck Your cock deeper into my mouth. Teasing the length of You with my tongue as my mouth takes Your cock deeper still, taking all of You within my mouth. My nails dig into Your legs as I feel Your hips begin to move against me in an ancient rhythm. Sliding my mouth back until just the very tip of Your cock is in my mouth and then pushing forward to suck the length of you to the back of my throat as Your hands tangle in my hair to show me Your rhythm.

Soft growling noises from deep within You tell me You are close as I suck Your cock deeper and harder, wanting to take all of You. I moan, aching, needing…as You fuck my mouth. Matching my rhythm to Yours as Your hips move against me, teasing, sucking, stroking Your cock with my tongue until I feel Your muscles begin to tense, until I feel Your hard cock throbbing against my tongue and hear You cry out huskily at Your release. Drinking every drop of Your gift to me, not letting a drop escape. Slowly, letting your cock slide out of my mouth, licking it clean, I press a soft kiss to Your cock.

“Did I please You Sir?” I whisper.

Copyright Tai Marenwolf NSFW