I rush off to the master bathroom, stripping down as I go


I walked into the house, tossing my keys on the coffee table. My purse joined a moment later. Sighing heavily as I slip out of my shoes. Resting neatly on the large recliner is a little note written on an off-white parchment… it says only “Get ready. 7 sharp”. I bite my lip as the smooth flow of the script sends my mind racing.

I rush off to the master bathroom, stripping down as I go, careful to keep all my things tightly collected. Entering naked onto the tile floor, I deposit my clothes in the bin and grab a fresh razor from the cabinet. Throwing the shower on pulling a pair of towels down and wrapping them over the hook.

A scream echoes through the house as the icy water streams down over my body. nipples stiffen and goosebumps explode over my skin. I gather my breath and focus… the shower will warm up, but I don’t have the time to wait. Squeezing the soft vanilla scrub into the little sponge, I begin scrubbing myself down… the water slowly warms or perhaps my tolerance grows, but I scrub every last inch.

Twirling the razor in my finger, I check that every last bit of my legs are smooth… running my fingers ahead of the razor, cleaning up any rogue strays. My fingers glide higher, teasing across my pussy, checking all of my skin is smooth. The probing brush of my fingers drawing a gasp from my lips. The growing warmth of the shower and the spiral of my imagination making each little curve even more delicate to the touch. Unable to control my finger, they stroke up… then down. My hips starting to rock as the arousal grows. Another stroke, and another…

My eyes snap open, yanking my hand up across my belly. “Oh fuck… you don’t have time for this!” I say aloud to myself. Turning my attention back to the shower. Peeking through the clear curtain and seeing the hazy lines of the clock… “damn it…” I have to rush even more. Jumping from the shower, still dripping I wipe the towel up and down my body quickly… the bath mat absorbing the rest.

Stepping across to the sink, I take up the dryer, scooping it through my long red hair. Cringing as I turn up the heat. “Don’t have time to be gentle, I’ll just treat it out later…” I bite my lip, brushing faster as the water vanishes. Twisting my hair up into a high ponytail and nodding at the nearly dry red streams of hair.

Another glance up at the clock rolls my lips into a gentle smile, not nearly as late as I had feared. Walking back into the bedroom to the small white box sitting in the centre of my bed. Pulling the top away and reading the note. “Be a pretty little whore…” in that same flowing script.

Fighting back a smile as I pull the contents from the box… first, the body powder, dusting it gently across my skin. Each little stroke of the brush leaves my skin soft & scented delicately of vanilla. Then black stocking, the silk gliding up my leg, squeezing tightly across my thigh in a lace-wrapped spiral.


A deep blue silken dress slides down over my body, reaching just below my knees, but slit up the left side.. as I would step, it exposed bare skin above my stocking… the curve unbroken all the way to my waist. Pulling the thin strips of blue up over my shoulder, pulling and tugging at my full breasts to keep them carefully tucked away… nipples barely hidden by the deep scooping neckline.

Taking the little makeup bag as I return to the bathroom, I giggle as I look into the mirror. Under the bright lights, I see the faint sparkle across my skin from the glitter blended into the body powder. I focus across my face as I begin brushing foundation, blush, and eyeshadow… lining my lips in a deep, intense crimson. Eyeliner darker than I would normally wear. The giggle became a gasp of excitement, seeing the over-done makeup. Much more than the ‘normal’ me would ever wear out.

Another glance at the clock, then back to the bedroom. Adding the dangling gold earrings from the white box. Curling the little necklace tight around my throat… a delicate golden chain squeezing tight like a collar. Two long lengths of the chain reach down ending in little clips. Taking the first, pulling the top of my dress open. twirling my finger around my nipple… fighting off the little shiver as it stiffens once more. Pushing the little loop around my nipple and tightening it down. Matching its mirror in place and pulling my dress back across my breasts… admiring the gentle curve of the chain along my bust… and the more prominent peak on my nipple pressing against the line of my dress.

Slipping into the tall blue heels. Tightening the strap around my ankle, pulling it firmly. grabbing my little purse from the couch. Strutting to the front door… standing straight up, glancing over at the clock… 6:53… looking down at my feet. Patiently waiting for the sound of a key in the lock to my front door.

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