Harsh Lesson

Harsh Lesson

Elaine trailed listlessly around the castle, cleaning an already immaculate bedroom, bath, den, and main salon. Placing clean, freshly laundered sheets on the bed, she studiously avoided thinking about what had taken place there a few nights ago. Nonetheless, as she bent to adjust the silk duvet that covered the foot of the bed, she couldn’t suppress a wince as she twisted and stretched forward to smooth the last of the wrinkles. Her body still bore some of the soreness, as well as the marks, from that evening. Apart from that, her mind was still adjusting to this new reality.
There were some fading bruises where her wrists had been cuffed behind her back, her ankles bound, leaving her thighs spread obscenely wide, allowing full access and use, to both men.  If she turned her head in an unwary move, the slight soreness of her jaw announced her mouth had not fully recovered either. Turning to leave the room and take the stairs to the dungeon that was adjacent to Ben’s office, she again tried to shut out the images of her body, helpless and bound, between them. At first, she had been leashed and on her knees in supplication.
 Heat washed over her, flushing her face a bright red, as she relived the embarrassment she had experienced of being put through her paces when Ben had introduced her to their guest, Byron. It seemed he was Ben’s close friend, and had become privy to the details of her relationship and arrangement with Ben, not that as his girlfriend or even wife, but that of his companion, sex toy, and house slave.  Byron apparently had expressed disbelief that Ben would enter into such an arrangement, so of course, he was invited to the castle ruin to observe the dynamic in play for himself.
When introducing them, Ben had been playful and teasing, reminding her of how she was to greet him, had she forgotten? Shaking her head, confused and leery of this new element, sensing this man Byron was not of the same ilk as Ben, she had tried to demure and escape such an introduction. It soon became clear, Ben was not going to be dissuaded.  Perhaps he meant to prove something to both himself and Elaine, or maybe it was that Byron was simply a very bad influence on her mostly amiable, and loving owner. One of those people that was able to bring out the worst elements in all parties involved. She probably would never really understand all the motivations for the evening and its events, but she would be living with the consequences for quite some time as her body recovered, and her mind grappled with the implications the evening could have on her life.
That night, when it became evident, that Ben was not to be denied, Elaine had at first obeyed as he had her kneel in front of him, just as she had been trained. Still quietly obedient, she then knelt in front of their guest as well. Once she had completed the ritual of Ben’s greeting to his satisfaction, he had extolled her to welcome his friend in the very same manner. Her mouth gaping in surprise and shock she had looked up at Ben in askance, but he had only snapped his fingers at her and then reached down and leashed her collar. From that moment on, she had been quickly stripped and filled with a cock.
Harsh Lesson
Harsh Lesson
The end result was she had felt the use of both men, at first, one after the other, but soon, both at the same time. She had been split between them, often sobbing and begging, but it had no effect on either man unless one counted her pleas as what had spurred Byron to cruelly fill her mouth, gagging, choking, cutting off all sound except the wet slurping of her mouth and tongue as she sucked him in a frantic effort to appease and please, both Ben and his friend. Frantically she worked his cock, thinking he would cum and be done with her. But the men had other plans, and as the hours passed, so did their inventive use of whatever hole or opening they chose to use. Her body had not been spared the thrusting of one cock or the other, no matter if it had been her mouth, cunt, or ass. The two of them had managed to make the most of what was on offer.
Reliving that night as she slowly approached the dungeon to clean and tidy, as it was expected, being part of her duties, and not to be glossed over or forgotten, Elaine was wincing once more, pausing a moment to close her eyes in denial. It was as if she could almost feel when one man’s cock had filled her mouth, choking her, curving down her throat to reach a depth never before achieved. Shuddering, she felt the hot pain of her body being stretched and widened to accommodate her lover’s cock in her ass as he made his mark, achieving domination over her, and perhaps, even Byron as well.
As morning approached, Ben took control of the situation, cautioning Byron, that Elaine had had enough. It was time to give his fuck toy a rest. She had moaned in a pathetic attempt to rebel and escape, as Byron had reached for her again, but it was Ben that had stayed his friend’s hand. However, even as he spared her Byron’s careless and cruel fuck one more time, Ben landed a hard and targeted swat on Elaine’s uplifted bottom, assuring Byron, next time they would use the dungeon, as there were so many more ways to experience her there, and yes he would make sure she was more welcoming and accommodating when Byron visited again.

At last, coming to the end of her daily chores, she spotted Ben’s chair, and couldn’t help but tremble.  Without thought, she knelt in humble obedience on the floor in front of it.  She harbored a hope he would forget, or perhaps put aside his promise, of a night in the dungeon. Leaning forward and pressing her face to the seat of the empty chair, she began to softly cry as she knelt in fear, lust, and supplication. With the tumultuous thoughts of the night he had so easily shared her with Byron tumbling around and around in her head, she was unsure and fearful of her future, even of her place and purpose here at the castle. The hot tears flowed down her face as she sobbed and waited for his return.

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