Ylva Marenwolf - The most accurate depiction of RL

Slave vs. Submissive – this is a very good read!

This was my first topic of discussion with Sir Kelwyn and I think it is an important topic of discussion.

“The biggest difference in submissive vs. slave is choice. The submissive always has a choice. she (I will use a feminine pronoun throughout just to make it simple) chooses her limits and what areas of her life her Dom is allowed to control. A good analogy of this is to look at these dynamics in a different light. In a D/s situation it’s like the submissive is an employee, and the Dominate her Boss.

She may not agree with the rules received and can talk with her Boss and compromise. With an M/s situation, it’s more like being in the military. The slave has no choice. An order is an order, period, and to disobey an order brings huge and sometimes life-altering consequences.

This is evident in the setting of limits. A submissive is in control of any and all limits, hard and soft. If she doesn’t like a certain scene or certain play, she can say no and that’s the end of it. With a slave, it is the Master that sets the limits. There may be discussions about these limits, but in the end, the Master makes the final decision no matter what the slave wants. A slave doesn’t have that privilege.”

The bottom line a submissive has more control over who she wishes to submit to and therefore presents a powerful role in the relationship or experiences that allows freedom.

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