The Ball

The Ball

– The Ball (part one)

It is now 15h00, tonight, Sir is taking me to his company’s annual Ball. I have to get ready, no time to waste! I take off my silky white robe and slip into the shower. Cold water drips on my warm flesh, I whimper, my nipples harden, but none of that matters, all I can think about is Sir and how I am dying to be Sir’s arm candy tonight… “What will Sir introduce me as in his world?”… “Will Sir approve of what I am wearing tonight?”… “I can’t wait to see him in his element!

Commanding everyone’s respect just by being himself”… “I want to hold his hand, feel his pulse right next to mine”. So many thoughts were interrupted by a doorbell ring! I wrap the towel around my body and go to open the door. It is a delivery! 3 boxes from Sir!

My heart is about to jump out of my chest! I wonder what he got me! There are 3 boxes: 1 big and 2 medium sizes. I open up the big one and it is a beautiful white dress with gorgeous lacework in the chest area and plain white fabric for the skirt part… there are 2 long slits on each side of the dress starting at the hip! It is gorgeous! Sir don’t let me wear undies, I hope I don’t expose myself by mistake tonight!

I opened one of the 2nd boxes and it was a jewelry box with a pink diamond ring (my favorite color ^_^) in it! I take out the ring to wear it and I notice the words “Sir’s baby girl” engraved into the inside of the ring. All I can think of is “How did I get so lucky to have found him?!”

I almost forgot that there’s a third box! I open it and it’s a small remote-controlled vibrator with a note that says “Lay on your bed, spread your legs for Sir, and insert this vibrator into your pussy”…….” And remember, no touching”, “I will pick you up in 1 hour”.

The Ball
The Ball

I get dressed, get my hair and makeup done, and I hear the intercom buzz! It’s Sir’s driver, Sir’s here! I lock my apartment and head down to the car, I see Sir standing in front of the limo in his black tux, straightening his cuffs, looking as I walk towards him, studying me inch by inch, he tilts his head slightly and smiles.

I walk towards Sir while smiling timidly (but on the inside all I can think about is how I want to kiss his lips and ask him to take me right then and there!). He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, I can smell his perfume, it’s a very nice perfume, but I can smell his natural scent, none like it… It is my favorite smell in the world. I breathe him in, close my eyes, and smile.

– The Ball (part two)

Sir opens the door and shows me the way in. I sit down, Sir sits next to me, turns to me, and asks – as he slides his left hand up my thighs and between my legs – “Have been behaving, little girl?” and promptly I answer “Yes Sir, of course”.

He runs his fingers gently over my lips and then rubs my clit with his two fingers and says “Good girl” and then he asks the driver to take us to the venue.

15 mins later, we’re there! The driver opens the door, Sir gets out and extends his hand to help me get out of the car. I hold his hand, step out of the car, and onto a red carpet with some photographers asking us to pose for a picture. That’s when Sir grabbed my right hand and led me in front of the event backdrop. I am standing there smiling like the Mona Lisa like I have this big secret nobody knows about, I feel his pulse against mine, his is calm and steady, and mine is rushing and thumping.

As we walk to the venue and step into the ballroom, we are met by Sir’s friend and colleague. He greets us and asks “And who is this lovely lady?” and that is when Sir says “This is MY lady, Sandy”, I freeze, smile fighting the happy tears that are about to expose me, and I say “Nice to meet you”. The song Heaven by Julia Michaels starts playing, Sir says “Excuse us” and leads me to the dance floor.

Sir holds me close with my right hand on his chest, and his left hand over mine, I look up into his eyes and he’s looking at me with all the love in the world, knowing how dedicated and loyal I am to him, how I would do anything to please him. His right hand slides down my backless dress and caresses my body in a way as to say, I care for you.

The song ends, and we go to sit at our tables, Sir leans over and says “The dress looks great on you baby girl”, my heart is filled with joy for pleasing Sir. Sir places his right on my left thigh, grabs it, leans over, and whispers in my ear “This is your reward for being such a good girl” and that’s when I felt the vibrator turn on inside me.

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