Underground Men's Club -image_J_aTquuu_1699210164857_raw

Underground Men’s Club

I am walking down the street when before I know what’s happening a man comes up behind me, wraps his hand over my mouth, grabs me and starts pulling me toward the curb. I hear a van pull up, doors open and another man jumps out and places a blindfold on me before they pull me into the van, close the doors and speed off. they must have used something on me to knock me out, because the next thing I am aware of, I am lying on a table, hands tied above my head to a pole, blindfolded still. I can hear men’s voices all around me, and I realize I’m naked except for a white cloth covering my breasts and another one between my legs from my belly button down between my legs hiding my pussy from view. I hear one of the men say “Oh, she’s waking up”. I hear him walk over to me and lean over to talk near my ear. “The doctor who examined and shaved you says you have a beautiful pussy we are going to love… for your sake, I hope he’s right. If our leader likes you, you get to stay the club’s sex slave… if not, well, let’s not talk about that shall we” and then I hear him walk off.

Over the next few minutes I hear more and more men’s voices come into the room, and them placing objects on a metal tray near me, though I have no idea what they are. Finally,, I hear the door open, and everyone gets quiet. Footsteps come over to me. “Well, well, seems we have a new one here to break in” he says running his finger along my belly and ribs. He leans down and whispers in my ear…”get ready my dear…you are about to be fucked by about 50 men, fisted, objects placed in you and more all while another 50 men watch from the viewing deck above and thousands of our members on our site live… if we like you, you will be come available for all of our members to request in the future…let’s hope that’s the case…”.

Chills run down my spine as I try to pull away…” don’t bother, you can’t go anywhere” he says. He then instructs the curtains to be opened from the viewing dome above, and for the cameramen to start filming…”Gentlemen, welcome to our latest assessment…shall we get started?”. he walks over to me once again…and slowly rolls up the cloth that is covering my breasts and exposes them for all to see. The cameraman gets closes ups of my breasts, and nipples as he tugs and teases them to erection…” oh, she seems to like this, so far so good” she says as I push my chest up and try to pull away again making protesting sounds…” I like a little bit of a fight…go ahead, fight” he says…”you won’t get away”. He leans down and tells me in my ear…” you best relax honey…I’m huge and it will go a lot better for you if you relax…” at which It becomes real that in a moment the rappings will begin…he places the ball gag in my mouth and secures it.

Underground Men's Club
Underground Men’s Club

He walks down to stand between my legs and places one of my feet up on the edge of the table, then the other, the cloth between my legs still in place. He tells the cameras to come in closer. I feel his hand on the top of the cloth just above my pubic bone, as he pushes my knees apart. Then he slowly begins to roll down the cloth until my pussy is fully exposed and on display to all of the men there in person and watching on their site. He draws in his breath…” gorgeous…” Then I shudder and pull back as I feel him touch my labia. He pulls them, “lLookhow nice and long to hug cocks” he says…he spreads them apart…”.beautiful opening… and hooded clit.”… he says… rubbing the sensitive nub and I flinch. He slaps my pussy…” mmmm remember what I told you now” he says as a reminder. He puts his finger into my pussy opening, pushing all the way in …”wow, she’s tight gentlemen”. He moves his finger around and pushes in another one before pulling back and placing his fingers into his mouth…” Lovely taste as well”.

I try to hold still as he says for fear of being abused too harshly…unable to do more than make noises with the gag in my mouth…still unable to see anyone or what is happening to me. I then hear him undo his belt and his zipper being moved…my heart starts to race …I hear his clothing being pushed down and feel his massive cock being laid on my mound…moving forward and back along my slit a few times. “Come in close with those cameras I want everyone to see this,” he says as he takes the head of his cock and after he pulls my labia back again to expose my opening, he puts the head of his cock against the opening and pushes just a little bit to make sure he’s lined up. My heart is pounding now in my chest and head…He puts his hands on my hips and then pushes his large cock into my tight tunnel as I scream against the ball gag…arching my back…he moves in further and further until he slams into my cervix, tears running out of the sides of my eyes from the stretching.

He stops and lets my body adjust to his size, then pulls back and slowly pushes forward again, and again, and again, until it becomes easy to move in and out of me as he fucks me…”yesssss he says, this one may end up being my personal sex slave after today’s event…she feels that good…” he then fucks me until he finally sprays his hot lot of cum into me and all over my outer labia marking me. The viewers get the creampie view. “Okay everyone, your turn with her…” he says as he backs off and lets the other 50 men in the room take their turns – fucking, fingering, putting objects into me, fisting me, and doing whatever they want over the next few hours, as he watches all. when they are done and I’m completely covered with cum, my pussy swollen from all the use…he comes over and places his cock inside once again…” I think we will keep you” he says and cums one more time to seal the deal.

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