

She waited there a while. Butterflies in her tummy just refusing to settle. She wanted to feel confident. That wasn’t going to happen, not yet anyway. Pacing a bit on the corner of the street. The bar was across the street. That was where she was meeting him. There was another ten minutes before the time they had agreed upon. It was a place she knew well and enjoyed going to for relaxing with a few drinks. but not tonight. Another minute of pacing and she took a deep breath then crossed the street. Her hands shook a bit as she pressed them against the hardwood door. It was something she knew. She could do this.

There was a bit of a crowd. That she could deal with and why she had come to this bar. Even when it got busy it didn’t make her head buzz. Another deep breath and she tried to look around the room without being too obvious she was looking around the room. Maybe why she missed noticing him. The bar was in front of her and she longed to walk up to it and order a strong drink. But that wasn’t allowed tonight. Thinking over her instructions, making sure she got them correctly. Wear a skirt, no panties. Wear heels with stockings.

Wear a button-up blouse with no bra. In her mind, she had chosen wisely. The Top was tight, her breasts were pushed up and her cleavage peeked out. The skirt was longer, past her knees. The black heels were manageable. She knew that she was going to be nervous so picking them out was more for herself. She was going to be awkward enough.

Dont drink. Don’t talk to anyone. Wait there until he was there. The clock on the wall showed it was a few more minutes. Someone walked in the door past her and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Her heart beat fast, sucking in deep breaths of air. She steadied herself. The guy nodded to her on his way past to the bar. Offering a smile to be polite she made another scan of the room.

There. He was watching her. From where she was she couldn’t tell what expression he wore on his face all she could tell was he was watching her. How long? she asked herself. A flush built across her face. However, she didn’t move. Instead, she walked to the bar. Waiting for the bartender to come up she ordered a drink, waited, then paid. Having the drink in front of her she picked it up carefully. Then started walking over to the table where he was sitting.


Standing there she waited. He was now looking past her. Making her wait. Keeping her on edge. It took all her focus to stand there and stand still. He finally nodded without a word and she set his drink down in front of him. Not brave enough to steal a glance at him this close she straightened back up and went back to waiting. He took the drink, a sip. “It is correct,” he said softly and she smiled. a small relief.

He then motioned for her to sit down across from him. She moved intently, sitting then fixing herself so that she was comfortable but the edgy nerves never really left her. Looking up at him as she sat there she let out the breath she realised that she was holding.

“You are acting like you have never done this before, girl.” he drew out his words and gave pauses at key points. “But you cant really fool me. Even if you wanted to you already gave much of yourself and tricks away in our conversations. So what is it this time?” His words knocked at her mind, and she felt her thoughts racing to come up with an answer. Her first thought was to pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about. But that wasnt going to fly, as he already pointed out. After a few minutes of thinking in the silence, she went with the truth. Now she just had to trust herself to get the words out.

“I am always this way. In this situation. Maybe more so with you, Sir. Not that I doubt that I can do what you have asked me to do but more that I want to excel and show you who and what I am.” she paused and started kicking herself mentally. He noticed it read across her face. She really was an open book in that regard, at least for the ones who could pick up on it.

The rest of the time he watched her. They went through their carefully thought-out meeting. The things he instructed her to do beforehand, the things she wondered about what it’d be like. He ordered them a light snack. Bar food was good for that at the least. at the set point she even went to the ladie’s room. There she found a stall and positioned herself as he instructed and started to fuck herself with her fingers. Making herself orgasm while trying to keep as silent as possible for fear someone might come in and catch her. It was exciting. Knowing that she was doing these things for him. It made her cunt throb harder. Her mind sink a bit more into the mindset she longed for most days.

when their time at the bar came to a close he smiled, it was a cross between something naughty and something pleased with her. “Do you want more, girl?” he asked and gave her a fair bit of time to think it over. To be sure of her answer. There were points they agreed upon. Where he would stop and ask this. But once she made up her mind, there would not likely be another stopping point between the ones they arranged. Torn is what she felt. There was a deep fear, one that yes she would be able to get off to but one that wanted to hold her back. Then there was the ever-present need to know.

“Yes Sir. I would like more. Please may I have more?” the words left her lips, they were shaky and she was more shocked she didn’t fumble as much with her words.

“Are you sure…” he said and was met with her nodding her head. With that, he stood and started towards the door. She gathered herself and followed. They walked out together, then down the street. It was a lovely night sure, but still, she shivered as she walked slightly behind him. They walked in silence. This was more for her. Wanting to talk but knew she would fare better if she just let herself think and collect herself, rolling over the feelings he invoked in her.

The hotel came into view and she started second-guessing her choice but kept going. This was bound to happen she knew and she also knew that she wanted more. Needed it. They walked through the entryway and made a right down the hall. He finally stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Opening it and allowing her to walk in first.

the room was mostly dark. With one light on from the bedroom section. It gave enough light for her to see where she was stepping. Going towards the center of the room she stopped. he closed the door and then leaned against it and looked at her. Waiting. It was his turn to wait. She looked around the room from where she was standing. There was a table and on it were a few smaller items. One was a gag. She noticed that one first. It seemed large to her and she couldn’t recall ever having one that size in her mouth before. Then there was a dildo, some rubbers, and a plug.

After noting what was there she moved on to looking towards the bedroom area. The bed was made. Nice, clean, neat. On the bed were a few towels and on the floor was a bottle of lube. Finally, she nodded and moved to start unbuttoning her shirt. Not letting it fall to the floor, she folded it and then placed it on the floor in front of her. Stepping out of her heels and then her skirt. Once she was there standing in her stockings she counted to ten in her head before moving downward, to her knees.

” I am ready, Sir. As ready as I ever will be. I want to take this moment to thank you for this chance.” she glanced over her shoulder at him then moved to look back at the ground as her arms moved behind her back. With that he moved forward. He was pleased enough with her so far, he would find out soon enough if she could please him more. walking in a circle around her he noted her body. Seeing her like this, hearing her, made him a bit more excited. She wasn’t a sure thing to him, but there wasn’t much to lose. And she had come this far.

His hand moved closer to her. She flinched. His finger moved to trail down the side of her face. she flinched again. The way someone who was used to getting beat and hurt acted when a stranger got near them. He moved his finger under her chin to lift her face upward to look at him.

“You did good so far, little slut.” The words released the tension from her a bit. Enough for him to notice. His finger left her jaw and moved downward. tracing along her collarbone. Her breathing pace changed. Deeper and more rapid. her nipples grew harder from his touch and he hadn’t even gotten near them. “mhm… ”

Her back arched, pulling her chest upward and a natural spread of her legs happened. Her body responded to his easily. She wasn’t lying about being easy he noticed. He smirked at her. Suddenly he moved his hand, slapping her right breast and forcing a yelp from her. Heated tingles moved across her flesh. It didn’t take much and a redness started to appear across her breast.

“This may be a good night after all…” he whispered into her ear as he moved closer to her. grabbing her arm and pushing her downward until her chest pressed against the floor.


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