A couple sitting on a couch, laughing and having a humorous conversation.

5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men – A Male Perspective on Connie Podesta’s Insights

5 Stupid Questions

In her enlightening and humorous lecture, Connie Podesta delves into the realm of communication between men and women, highlighting the “5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men.” As a male who has been on the receiving end of these questions, I hope to provide some valuable insights and perhaps bridge the gap of understanding. This post will explore Connie’s lecture, providing a detailed overview and some personal reflections from a male perspective.

Question 1: “What Are You Thinking?”

"A couple sitting on a couch, with the woman looking inquisitive and the man looking puzzled.
A couple sits together on a couch, with the woman looking inquisitively at the man who appears puzzled by the question.

Connie humorously points out that when women ask this question, men often find it perplexing. The truth is, sometimes men are not thinking about anything significant or profound. It’s perfectly normal to have moments of mental downtime. As Connie explains, women might expect an elaborate response, but the reality is often much simpler.

“Sometimes we’re just enjoying the quiet, not contemplating the mysteries of the universe.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel intrusive. We value our mental space and often use quiet moments to relax and decompress. It’s not that we’re hiding something or being secretive; it’s just that our minds can be blank or focused on mundane things. Understanding that men might not always be in deep thought can help reduce unnecessary frustrations and improve communication

Question 2: “Do You Love Me?”

A woman asks her partner 'Do you love me?' while looking up at him with a questioning expression. He looks thoughtful and sincere
A woman asks her partner ‘Do you love me?’ while looking up at him with a questioning expression. He looks thoughtful and sincere.

This question, according to Connie, can make men feel like they are being put on the spot. It’s not that men don’t want to express their love, but the need for constant reassurance can be daunting. As a man, it’s essential to show love through actions, but understanding that verbal affirmations are also important to many women can help maintain a balance.

“Actions speak louder than words, but words are also important in showing our love.”

From a male perspective, love is often demonstrated through actions: taking care of our partners, supporting them, and being present. However, we need to remember that women often value verbal affirmations and reassurance. Striking a balance between actions and words can strengthen the relationship. It’s not that we don’t love you; sometimes we just show it differently.

Question 3: “Do I Look Fat?”

A woman trying on an outfit and looking at herself in the mirror, while the man looks nervous.
A woman tries on an outfit and asks ‘Do I look fat?’ as she looks at herself in the mirror. Her partner looks nervous and unsure of how to respond.

Perhaps one of the most loaded questions, Connie highlights the difficulty men face when answering this. The fear of causing offense or being caught in a no-win situation is real. The best approach is honesty, coupled with sensitivity. Instead of focusing on weight, complimenting other positive aspects can help shift the focus.

“It’s a tricky question, but focusing on what we genuinely find beautiful about our partners can make a difference.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel like a trap. We want to be honest without hurting feelings. It helps to understand that this question often stems from a place of insecurity. Offering genuine compliments and focusing on our partner’s strengths and beauty can provide reassurance and boost confidence. It’s about making you feel loved and appreciated, not just answering a question.

Question 4: “Where Do You See Us in the Future?”

A couple sitting together, with the woman looking hopeful and the man looking thoughtful.
A couple discusses their future together, with the woman looking hopeful and the man looking thoughtful.

Connie addresses the pressure this question can put on men. While it’s important to have discussions about the future, understanding that men might need time to process these thoughts can be beneficial. Open and honest conversations, without the pressure of immediate answers, can help both partners feel more secure.

“Taking time to understand our own visions of the future can lead to more meaningful discussions.”

From a male perspective, thinking about the future can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if we’re still figuring out our present. It’s crucial to communicate that needing time to think doesn’t equate to a lack of commitment. Open, pressure-free conversations about future plans can help us articulate our thoughts and build a shared vision. We want to include you in the future, but we might need time to process what that looks like.

Question 5: “What Would You Do If I Died?”

A couple, with the woman looking serious and asking the question, while the man looks uncomfortable.
A woman seriously asks her partner ‘What would you do if I died?’ as he looks uncomfortable and uncertain.

This morbid question, as Connie points out, can be unsettling. It’s not that men don’t care, but contemplating such scenarios can be emotionally taxing. Rather than dwelling on hypothetical situations, focusing on the present and cherishing moments together can be more fulfilling.

“Instead of worrying about what-ifs, let’s appreciate the here and now.”

From a male perspective, this question can feel like an emotional ambush. We might not always be prepared to handle such heavy topics on the spot. Emphasizing the importance of the present moment and creating lasting memories can be a more positive approach to reinforcing the value we place on our relationships. It’s about enjoying the time we have together and not getting bogged down by hypothetical worries.


Connie Podesta’s lecture on the “5 Stupid Questions Women Ask Men” is both insightful and humorous. By understanding these questions from a male perspective, women can gain deeper insights into their partners’ minds, leading to more meaningful and less stressful conversations. Open communication, coupled with empathy and understanding, is key to a healthy relationship.

For more on Connie Podesta’s perspectives, watch her full lecture here.

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