Stephen Fry about Second Life

Second Life is an extension of Real Life, not a replacement

“I keep RL & SL separate!” – Each time I see that line, I have to fight the urge to poke the person and ask – “Separate? Really? Do you swap brains at the login screen?”.

Kelwyn Marenwolf - The League of Gentlemen
Kelwyn Marenwolf – The League of Gentlemen

I visit SL when I am in a good mood, and have time to waste, thus you’ll likely meet the improved version of me, myself, and I. SL is a small world where we can choose the people, places, and events we want to see.

In RL I do what I need to do before what I want to do, just as any grown-up will. In SL I have the rare luxury of only doing what I want to do.

RP in SL is too meta for me, adding a layer of insulation I have no need for. What RP I do happens with dice in hand around a table with good friends that I can pelt with popcorn.

Since I’m male, you should watch this before you ask me a question: Five Stupid Questions Women ask Men  Connie Podesta

Stephen Fry about Second Life
Stephen Fry about Second Life

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