Pamela Naughty Palazzo Photo Contest - February

PAW – Pamela’s Dark Fantasies. Chapter 1 Part 1

I step out of the car.  It is freezing today so my naked body shivers with every blow of cold wind. My nipples hardened from the cold. Blindfolded I was not able to see where we are. Keeping a hand on the roof I was waiting for his orders. I hear his footsteps on gravel when he approaches me.

His warmth touches my face. My body shivers but I was taught not to move. He runs his hand down my body, squeezes my tits, and pins my nipple. I bite my lower lips trying not to moan, I could feel his smile while watching me fighting with feelings. Then I felt his breath on my neck when he whispers to my ear: time to have some fun slut. 

He slaps my ass and grabs my leash and starts leading me to the unknown. Gravel hurt my bare feet but I was obedient and I followed him. After a few steps, he stopped me, shake my leash. I knew what it meant, I bent down and stood on all fours waiting. I heard his footsteps again but now it was a wood floor. He pulls me behind him. I quickly discovered he stopped me on a wooden floor. I was so thankful to him that he didn’t order me to go on four on gravel. 

I heard a squeaking door and we entered somewhere. This place stinks from dirt. I was sure the floor wasn’t clean for a long time. I feel it on my hands and knees. I gag, placing my hand on something sticky and wet. I would rather not know what it was.

Pamela Naughty Palazzo Photo Contest - February
Pamela Naughty Palazzo Photo Contest – February

After a few more steps my hand touched the mattress, It stinks and is sticky. Then my Master told me to stop and stay in the pose, He leans over me and unleashes me. I was standing on my four a while when I heard incoming voices and steps on a wooden floor. Doors opened and I felt someone enter a room. He stops talking but after a while he goes back to talk just saying: “I call you back” and he ends his phone call.

My Master and he exchanged greetings and I heard a stranger approach me. He slaps my ass while his other hand grabs my breast and starts squeezing it. It wasn’t pleasant but I keep my pose and try not to say anything. His right-hand starts cares my asscheek and thighs, he sticks his finger to my unprepared pussy and probes me deep. I gasp and bit my lips. His brutal play scared me but my body reacted with pleasure.

After a while, he withdraws the finger from my pussy and sticks it to my anus. He scratches me from inside. My face should tell him I don’t like it cos he starts to laugh: “I see your slut doesn’t like pain. I have a healing balsam for her” he said and I felt him stand. Hearing his zipper I knew what balsam he had in mind but he approached me from face and I felt his urine dirty cock rubbing against my cheeks. “Open” he ordered and then I heard my Master “do what he tells you”

I open my mouth and he sticks his dirty cock into my mouth, it tastes like urine and it makes me gag but I focus and try not to puke when he start fuck my face. His hand holds my head tight and his hard thrust makes his cock enter my throat. My saliva starts to run from my mouth and drip on the mattress. After a while of hard fucking he increases his grip and pushes his cock really deep into my throat. I felt his head slide deep in me and cut me off from the air.

My eyes start to wet from tears while my throat pulse in his cock trying to remove it from me. My lungs fight for air. As suddenly he enters me so suddenly he withdraws his cock from me. Sticky strings of my saliva drip from my mouth and make bubbles as I try to catch a breath. He waits a while then repeats it. My throat was sore but I remember who my Master is and what he expects from me. 

After a while, I feel his cock throb in my mouth and a hot squirt of his sperm hits my throat. He empties his balls into my mouth. To be learned by my Master I swallow his cum as soon as he fills me. When he was done he stood up and talked about something with my Master, then he said aloud “she is a good slut, but I need a pee”. 

I wasn’t expecting but a hot stream of his urine hit my face. I jump but stay on four. He ordered me to open my mouth then he aimed his stream inside my mouth. Without waiting I gulp some of his yellow nectar. It tastes terrible. He laughs loudly saying “Hey look she really likes it, good bitch” and he pees all over my body. When he ends, he speaks with my Master and leaves the room. Then I heard my master’s voice. Stand up and take five steps forward. Behind the door is a bathroom, go there, clean yourself. I don’t wanna dirt my car. You can take off the blindfold but remember to put it on before you leave the bathroom”. 

I do what he says and go to the bathroom, there is only a shower and WC set. I smile seeing my handy bag with some cosmetics. I love my Master, he cares about me. I took a fast shower in cold water (in fact there wasn’t hot water) and put on a blindfold again before leaving the room. I stood behind the bathroom door when I heard the Master talk with someone else. 

But it will be another story


2021-08-07 by Pamela 1974 @ SL


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