Tai Marenwolf - Rope Bliss

Humid Was The Night

Humid Was The Night

The night was hot, sticky, the air heavy with humidity. As my eyes opened to glance at the clock, I realized the heat is what woke me, and I pushed the sheets down off my body. Stretching, back arching, limbs reaching, head bent back, I felt the cool breeze from the fan as it passed over my body. Sighing softly at the sensation of the cooler air caressing over my naked skin, I reached out a hand, feeling you asleep beside me, I smiled, tracing a whisper soft touch down your back as you slept. Your skin hot, soft, but the muscles beneath so hard, I bit down on my bottom lip, purring softly at the way even this simple touch of your skin could arouse me.

Rolling back onto my back, eyes closing, I could not find sleep, but only memories of you, erotic, hot, sensual moments of our bodies lost in each other. Moaning softly, my hands moved of their own accord, tracing slowly along my throat, and down to cup my breasts, teasing my nipples, I felt them harden instantly, my fingers dancing across them, tugging lightly. I whimpered aloud as my touch wandered lower still. Tracing the smooth, flat, hot line of my abdomen, my fingers circling my belly button before slipping lower still, tracing over the smooth skin of my mound.

My hips lifting up off the bed of their own accord and seeming to reach for the touch of my hand, my hand slipped down, lower, lower, tracing over my pussy, already wet with my desire, my fingers slid down, slightly parting the lips and dipping in to trace the whisper soft over my aching clit, I trembled at the touch, my breath catching, and I felt myself grow wetter still.

You groaned low in your throat, rolling over and onto your back, and I froze, thinking You were awake, but I felt your body ease, your breath becoming soft and quiet again. Quietly, I rolled onto my side, watching You sleep, a wicked smile curved my full lips at a thought.. a desire.. should I… would I?

I sighed softly, my tongue darting out to trace over my bottom lip as I tugged lightly on the sheet, baring your beautiful, rugged body to my eyes.. and my touch. My fingers danced lightly down your chest, the barest whisper of a touch, I watched your breathing shift a bit, and your arm come up and over your eyes, as You sunk quietly back into slumber.

Softly, slowly, I dragged one finger down your belly, the nail grazing lightly down, and I felt myself aching.. biting down on my bottom lip, I traced that same finger slowly, so softly, along the length of your cock, watching your immediate response, feeling how your cock twitched and began to become hard at my touch, I moaned softly. And still.. you slept on.. coming up onto my knees, I slipped closer still to you, my long auburn hair tumbling freely on your belly as my lips traced the same path my fingers just created.

Tai Marenwolf - Rope Bliss
Tai Marenwolf – Rope Bliss

Purring softly, my tongue darted out, tracing that very same path, the taste of you on my tongue, the scent of you surrounding me, I whimpered softly as my tongue moved lower still, tracing along the hard length of your cock, I knew the moment You woke up, in the change of your breath… in the way your body tensed, the slightest of movement. Your cock throbbing beneath my tongue, my mouth ached for You. I needed You to fuck my mouth, I was no longer sure if I was teasing You or myself as your hips moved toward my waiting mouth.. my lips parted and I sipped just the head of your cock into my hot, waiting, aching mouth.

So soft, so hard, the taste of you dancing on my tongue as I sucked, tongue tracing over the head of your cock, as I settled there between your thighs, purring low in my throat. Your hands slid down, winding themselves in the tousled mane of my hair, easing it away from my face, your eyes found mine, dark, not from the night, but with your passion. You growled, low in your throat, “Mine.” I whimpered softly at that and sucked harder, my mouth sliding from the head of your cock and slowly slipping down the shaft, taking more of you into the heat of my mouth, my tongue teasing, caressing, teeth grazing, I ached to please you, pleasure you, feel your body as it lost control.

I moaned low.. or was it a whimper.. of need.. of want…my own body restless, moving, my mouth moving to take you in slow, steady, deep.. deeper, taking you into the wanting, heat of my mouth, my throat. You moaned then, growled almost, your fingers tightening in my hair. Your hands slid through my hair, over my shoulders, lower still until you grasped my hips, tugging me toward you, your fingers digging lightly into my hips as you settled me, straddling you, and with one thrust, your cock slid home, and deep inside my aching, needy pussy.

My head fell back, long hair tumbling down my back, as I moaned into the night, feeling your hard length deep inside me, tightening my muscles, I held your cock tightly, my thighs gripping your hips, even as your hands on my hips moved my body to your rhythm, our rhythm, our breath, moans, growls.. the only sounds filling the night, as our bodies yearned. aching.. to be closer.. and closer still…

My nails raked down your chest, our eyes locked, as your thumb found my clit, soft, circles you traced and my body trembled, soft whimpers escaping my lips as we rocked together.. aching.. needing, thrusting, breath catching, your other hand moved to the back of my neck, yanking me down, your mouth seducing my own, as your hips thrust hard, your thumb teasing my clit, I felt you begin to lose control, and I began to lose my own, tumbling with you over that edge, screaming your name into your mouth, into our kiss, both of us trembling, without breath, covered in a fine sheen of sweet, until our movements slowed, stilled and I collapsed onto your chest, listening to your hearts frantic rhythm, your fingers tracing lightly along my cheek, I felt your smile rather than saw it.. my own lips curving up, I turned my eyes to yours and whispered “Yours, all Yours.”

Copyright Tai Marenwolf NSFW


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