Taissa Marenwolf - Bath House

Morning Desire

Morning Desire

Did I ever tell you that I often wake up wanting you?  Burning with desire, so wet that you could simply slide between my wide-open thighs and plunge home in those first waking moments.

This morning, I woke to find you gone already, your side of the bed empty and bereft.  I roll slowly over onto my side and slide one hand over your pillow, searching for your body’s heat.  Pulling the pillow to my face I inhale deeply your scent and moan in frustration. 

Lying here, draped across the bed, I feel the breeze flow across my naked flesh and think of you. It amazes me that though you may be physically miles away, your presence can still linger with me almost as clearly as a caress.  The curtains are drawn in the room but small beams of sunlight sneak in to fall upon the carpet, the bed and my skin.  The spring breeze flows over and around me as a ghost lover’s touch and my body responds to that touch and thoughts of you.  

I glide my hands up over my belly to cup my full breasts, imagining that they are not my hands at all… but yours. Cupping the weight of them in my palms I can feel so clearly the heat of your mouth as you take my nipple deep into your mouth that I gasp and open my eyes.. only to realize that it is not you kissing my breast but the sun.  Running my fingers over my nipples, gently pinching and rolling them between my fingers, I moan softly into the quiet morning. Swelling and growing hard, my nipples ache for your attention and I can feel my desire pooling between my thighs.

The soft growling noises you make when you are excited replay themselves and remembered sensations of your body on my own, making my body tremble beneath my hands.  Slowly I slide one of my hands down my belly in search of the throbbing core of my desire. Opening my thighs to allow further exploration, I can feel that I am drenched, dripping with need.

Softly brushing my fingers over my pussy, stopping to gently circle my clit, I moan into the quiet morning.  Continuing my journey, I slide one finger deep inside myself.

“I forgot…” Your voice trails off as you enter the bedroom.  Your eyes darken with desire and I can hear a groan deep in your throat as you approach the bed. 

“I woke up and needed you, wanted you…” I whisper as my hand stills. 

“Don’t stop girl.” You whisper huskily, standing at the foot of the bed.

Taissa Marenwolf - Bath House
Taissa Marenwolf – Bath House

Staring into your eyes, I begin to trace the path that I yearn for your hands and mouth to follow.  Down, down to the wet center of my need my hands move, followed by your eyes.  As my fingers trace circles around my clit I hear your breath catch. Slowly I slide one finger deep inside, feeling the wet and heat of my body.

“Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you right now?” Your voice is low and my body trembles in response.

“Please, I need to feel your body against mine… I need to feel you deep inside of me Sir.” I whisper.

“Roll over, I want to take you on your knees.”

A soft moan escapes my lips as I roll over onto my belly.  I feel the bed shift as it accepts your weight, and your hands as they caress my back.  Your hands come to settle on my hips pulling me back into you and up onto my knees.  Feeling the heat of you and the hardness of your cock pressing against my pussy I moan your name aloud.

“Shh, not yet, not yet.” You whisper, beginning to tease my cleft with the tip of your cock.  Softly, slowly sliding just the tip of your cock inside of me, until with one, long, slow thrust you are deep inside of me.  Pushing my ass back against you, contracting my muscles deep within to tease your cock, I shudder as you fill me completely.  Your hands on my hips create our rhythm.  Like the ocean meeting the shore, our bodies move together in a rhythm more ancient than time.

I can tell when you are close, your fierceness betrays you. Our bodies straining to get closer, your thrusts coming faster and harder like your breath. I am no longer able to control the moans of pleasure that are escaping my lips.  The feel of the heat of you, the hardness of you, and the sounds of your desire are all sending me over the edge. 

“I’m cumming Sir.” I moan aloud. 

“Yes, girl, You are.” You groan loudly as you plunge deep within me.  Your hands tighten at my hips, your fingers digging in as our rhythm grows hard and fast and we crash over the edge together. 

Copyright Tai Marenwolf NSFW

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