The League of Gentlemen in Second Life

Comportment & Dress Codes


All those who are at the club shall comport themselves in a respectful and tasteful manner.  Courtesy and civility are expected from all, regardless of your title or membership status.  The club’s rules and regulations do not supersede those that Dominants have imposed for their own submissives.  Club members are encouraged to nurture the spirit of the club by readily following club guidelines.


Dominants who are partnered or who own their submissive(s) shall at all times maintain their rights and responsibilities over their submissive(s).  Those rights and responsibilities shall be respected by all other Dominants, submissives, guests, and the club.

Dominants who are partnered or who own their submissive(s) are encouraged to offer the services of their submissive(s) to other Dominants and Guests as an extension of goodwill and ambassadorship of the club. These services include hosting duties such as fetching drinks, lighting cigars, offering massages, and fellatio.

Dominants who wish to make use of a submissive not their own shall negotiate terms with the submissive’s Dominant.  The submissive’s Dominant has the right to refuse use, or otherwise limit the scope of use of their submissive.  The owner Dominant shall supply an agreement of service to the Dominant wishing to make use of her.  This notecard shall provide guidance on what services the submissive will and will not provide, and is meant to absolve the submissive of any punishment or discipline which may otherwise be incurred during her service.

Dominants reserve the right to discipline or punish a submissive while she is in service to him, whether he owns her or not, if she defies him in any way.

Dominants, remember that submissives are not communal property, don’t issue orders to people you haven’t negotiated with.


Guests are expected to follow the recommendations of comportment issued by the club.  Any officer of the club has the right to respectfully and privately advise any guest of comportment violations, and to request that such violations stop. Should such violations continue, the officer will defer the matter to club ownership.  Club ownership reserves the right to boot and ban anyone disrupting the civility of the club.

Dress Code

There may be times when there will be exceptions to the rules and recommendations concerning Dress and Comportment.  Such times may be for special events and themed days.  Members are welcome to adhere to either the general dress code or participate in the exceptions to it as indicated.  Submissives are at all times to defer to their Dominant.  In the absence of belonging to a Dominant, submissives are to adhere to the dress code of the club.


Dominants should dress according to their station.  Business and business casual will be the general minimum expectation.  This would include suits (with or without a vest, with or without a tie), dress shirts, dress trousers, and dress shoes.


Owned submissives shall defer to their Dominant in terms of dress code.  Unowned submissives shall defer to the rules and regulations of the club concerning the dress code.

  • Permissible:  Submissives are permitted to be attired in lingerie.
  • Preferable:  Submissives are encouraged to forego panties.


Guests are encouraged to follow the dress code of the club.

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